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A heap of winter brushed against Miles face as he braced himself for what was yet to come. He was unsure if what he has done was the right thing but either way he continued walking towards the arranged meeting spot.

It has been a week or so since Miles discovered the one behind the letters. To Miles surprise the sender was someone he never thought he would see again and the bigger surprise was that the sender lived really close by.

He has been quiet hesitant about contacting the sender especially after years of neglection, he doubted that the sender would even respond or acknowledge it. Franziska has once tried to ease Miles' doubts by telling him "you're acting like the most foolish fool of all the foolishly foolish foolish fools".

Despite of Franziska's failed attempt to comfort Miles, she continued to encourage him to at least give a phone call. Which brings as back to now,

As Miles came to a full stop as he arrived to his destination, Ivy University.

The day was slowly consumed with dusk, leaving the school's silhouette the center of attention. It was quite a pretty scenery as the sunset painted the sky with vibrant pinks and yellow.

Before entering the gate, Miles took the time to scan through the dusky-looking university, in hopes to find a certain someone. Though Miles' effort came to no avail, as he couldn't find anyone outside the university.

Clouds of doubt began circling around Miles head as he realized the possibility the sender may not come. It could be some sick joke that the sender did to take revenge. But then again, Miles began to accept the fact if it was a cruel prank, he probably deserved it.

Ready to accept fate, Miles began slowly walking away from the university's gate. That is until a small voice screaming. It wasn't loud but it was audible enough for you to know it was screaming out "Miles".

Miles turned around to find the source of the screaming, which just so happens to be lanky man in an orange jacket and another man with a weird dorkish-looking sweater. The odd pair ran towards Miles' direction while continuing to scream out his name.

The duo came to a full stop near Miles while huffing and puffing loudly to catch their breath. Upon closer inspection their identities became clearer.

The lanky man was the young boy who along side Miles helped defend in the class trial, Larry Butz. Quick to regain stamina, Larry asks, "Oi! Edgey-boy, it's been so long! How you been?"

"I-I've been quite fi-fine, than-k you" Miles' stammered his response.

Larry gave a wide and cheeky smile. Larry has always been such a playful yet nettlesome person, it seems that he hasn't change since the last time they met.

A soft and gentle voice entered Miles' ears, "Hey Edgeworth".

Just like the sound of his voice, the man with a dorkish-looking sweater had a soft and gentle expression on his face. The man was the defendant of class trial, and much like Larry, Phoenix Wright hasn't change much.

Phoenix, despite all the passing years, still had his childlike appearance with his tamed yet funky-looking hair. The spark in his eyes continued to stay ablaze, the same spark that Miles feel in love with.

Miles' suddenly felt extremely flustered at the realization that he was gawking over Phoenix's appearance. He took a deep breath to regain composer and said,

"It's great to see you again, Wright"

Phoenix couldn't help but chuckle at how long it took Miles to respond. "Sorry I was a little late, I had to wait for Larry"

Larry, hearing Phoenix's response, felt a little insulted and began rawring out some excuse of why he was late.

Ah yes, did I forget to mention that Larry wasn't suppose to he here? How silly of me. Either way Miles was happy to see them both and was ready to tell Phoenix what he wanted to say for a long time.

"You helped me through many dark times and I'd like to thank you for that. I'm sorry for those years I refused to heed your call. I will be taking my leave now, goodbye"

Phoenix was surprised at Miles sudden farewell, he watched Miles turn his back towards him. While Miles began to slowly walk away, he can hear Larry's confusion as he butchered Phoenix with his questions.

"Hold it-"

Upon Phoenix's call, Miles turned around and asks "What's wrong Wright?"

"I was thinking maybe we could go get ramen or something. Maybe like, catch up with each other?" A crimsom shade of red ran across Phoenix's face, but Miles' brushed it of thinking it could be the reflection of beautiful painterly sunset.

It was only now that Miles had realized that was a possible option.

A small smile curved around Miles face as he sheepishly responds to Phonix, "sure that would be quite delightful".

If this was a picture book, Miles would come back to this page again and again, just to relive this beautiful moment. He would come back just to see wonderful painterly sunset complimenting the ecstatic smile painted Phoenix's face.

Oh how Miles wishes this moment could last forever, but the world had bigger plans for Miles. The author wouldn't even finish thi-

"Wohoo! Let's go, I know a really great place" Larry yelled while dragging him towards the opposite direction.

Phoenix couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of a quiet introvert being dragged by a loudmouthed extrovert. It was just like before but better.

Words cannot express the feelings of joy that Phoenix was feeling. He was just stunned with bliss, just by being able to see Miles after god knows how long. Miles has and always will be the best thing that has ever happened to Phoenix.

"Come on Nick! Don't be such a slow poke!" Larry called out for Phoenix while Miles began contemplating whether or not he made the right choice.

It is without a doubt that as humans we can make many mistakes in our lives. No matter how many time people will try reach out for us, we ignore them in fear that we might muck things up again or maybe they would realize your flaws and never want to talk to us again.

But it's honestly better to move forward and see what the world has in store for us, than panicking in a 4 corned room and being slashed by a naggy 14-year-old.

"Yeah, I'm comming" Phoenix responded as he walked towards Larry's direction with the reddish painterly sunset completly becoming dusk.

And with that, The Case of the Secret Admirer comes to an end.

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