The Outlaw and New Girl // Chapter Two

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Sorry this took to long :( I had my final drumline audition so we'll see if I make it or not!! Wish me luck :)

His pen slowly drifted across the paper

Charles found a girl last night on his ride home. Turns out it's not that big of a world. I know her... and it was clear she still remembered me

Arthur glanced around him, the sun had only just come up

He closed the journal back up, laced the pen with the string holding it closed, and put it back into his satchel

With a big push, he stood up and began on his day

Arthur walked to to the small pot of coffee and looked around at the few members that were awake

Ann was one of them...and she was standing on patrol

He gulped down the blazing hot coffee and went to the worn down hitching post

"Should I leave? Or should I just talk to her..." Arthur stood still for a moment

He glanced the the girl standing in a pair of pants and button up plaid shirt

"She can come talk to me"  He whispered to himself

He hopped on his horse on grabbed onto the reigns... his mind was torn

Arthur shook his head and began to ride away from camp

"Arthur!" Ann called

Arthur froze and stopped

He forced his horse to turn around slowly

"Ann?" He mumbled

"Where are you off to?" She asked, her hand was held up blocking the sun

"I'm going into town...Mr Pearson wants me pick up some things for today's meal" Arthur lied

"When do you think you'll be back" Ann Marie watched the outlaw carefully

"Probably some time before dinner...late noon?" Arthur could barely keep eye contact with her. He felt something deep down inside. Fear? Guilt? He couldn't quite tell...

"Well...I'll see you then I guess" Ann replied, her voice full of sadness...and Arthur noticed

"Okay..." He picked the reigns back up, ready to leave

"Okay..." Ann just looked down and walked away

As the parted ways, a sharp pain filled Arthur chest

He was in pain...and he knew Ann was probably feeling the same way...

As Arthur reached the small town of Valentine, the pain in his chest had slightly lifted

He hitched his horse right outside of town and began to walk around

He didn't know what hat he wanted to do, but all he knew was he didn't want to be at camp.

Arthur really only thing he wanted to do was forget... forget about it all... just for a little while

The wooden saloon doors swung open and a few heads turned

"Here comes Morgan"
"Get ready for trouble"
"'s him again"

Arthur ignored the remarks and just walked to the empty barstool next to the counter

"Something troubling you sir?" The bartender asked

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