The Paper and Pen // Chaper Six // Final Chapter

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Ann kept her distance from the group and they merely kept their distance from her

After a few hours past Ann finally got up and walked over to Mary Beth

"Mary" She started "Can I borrow a pen and paper"

"Of course sweetie" Mary smiled brightly as Ann went to reach for the paper Mary grabbed her hand

"Are you ok?" She spoke in a soft tone

Ann forced a smile "I'm doing fine"

Mary smiled back "if you need anything—"

Ann cut her off "I know"

The two parted ways as Ann walked back to her tent. She sat alone for a few minutes writing front and back to the paper. She reached into her satchel and pulled up an old worn down note and folded them together

She walked to Arthur's tent and placed the folded up paper on his bed, then to Mary's to return the pen. And eventually her own...she placed a few important belonging into a small backpack and began to walk to her light gray horse.
As fast as she could, she climbed on her horse, took one last look at the camp and rode away

After a few hours Arthur had returned back to camp

A few members turned their heads once they realized he had returned

Mary ran up to him and tried to get some sort of information out

"You okay Arthur?" She asked softly

Arthur just nodded "I'm fine"

Mary didn't say anything as she walked him to his tent

"I'm always here if you'd like to talk" Mary smiled as she began to part ways

Arthur smiled and turned to his bed, only to find a small folded up piece of paper.

The pages crinkled as he slowly peeled it open and read it in his head

Dear Arthur,
I tried. I really did. I spent my whole life waiting for the chance to see you again. The chance to have the same bond that we had all those years ago. I never forgot about you, and I'd like to think you hadn't forgotten about me, but after being here for a few nights I have come to the same realization you had when we were kids.
Our lives don't mend, after Mama and Pa's death something changed, in the both of us. We're not the same children we were, we're not close like we use to be...hell I don't even remember when we were close, I barely even remembered you. But something deep down inside told me, I wasn't alone, that I had someone who cared. Ms Hickman told me everything once I was a little older, just before she passed...she explained everything to me.
I'm writing this letter as a goodbye. I don't know where I'm going or what's going to happen along the way, but you were happy before I came, and now you're just miserable. I can tell.
I ask you of one thing, once completed...tear this letter, burn it, let it drift away in the wind. Whatever you want, get ride of it...what I should've done with your letter when I first received it. Don't think about me once I leave, it'll do you no good. You have Pa's hat and I have Mama's necklace. I guess, we'll live on through our parents.
I don't know what else to say...But I suppose w is the end

Goodbye Arthur Morgan

With love, Anna Marie Hickman

That's it :) end of story!! I have an idea for another chapter, if you'd like that lmk but as for now this is the end :) I hope you all enjoyed!!! Xoxo

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