The Letter and Journal Entry // Chapter Three

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Arthur opened his torn up journal and began to write again

I really don't know what I should do. I don't want anyone to know about Ann, but I almost feel guilty for not. The memories still haunt her, I can tell. Just as they haunted me all those years ago.

*25 years ago*

Arthur looked down at the lifeless body as a crowd surrounded him

"Hun? Is that your pa?" A voice behind him asked

"Where's your Ma' son?" Another person spoke

"Son!" A young woman went to touch his shoulder

Arthur turned around sharply

"I...I'm" He stuttered as he glanced around the crowd of people

He forced his head down and pushed to get through the large amount of people

No one really turned to look at him, they focused on the bloodied up body laying in front of the saloon

Arthur ran through the open field and to his small house by the creek

He bursted through the door and called out for his younger sister

"ANNA MARIE!" Arthur yelled


His young sister jumped when Arthur bursted through her bedroom door

"Arthur!" She replied in a slight fear

Arthur gave her a look

Her face fell

"What is it?" She whispered softly

"Pa...he...he's dead" Arthur stood in the doorway staring at Ann

Ann looked down "what?"

"Ann..." Arthur began to speak again

"First Mama? Now Pa?" Ann's voice trembled

Arthur slowly walked to his sister and then pulled her into a hug

She planted her face into his chest and began to cry

"What's gonna happen to us?" She looked up at Arthur

"I don't know" Arthur was still holding her "but we have to stick together now. It's just us..."

Ann trembled with fear but nodded

"Just us..."

No one ever came to check on the young two. Arthur made his way back into town to see if he could pick up any information. He didn't find anything...all he found was his fathers hat, stained with blood.
They lived in their small house for a few years. Never bothered by anyone. Arthur would take trips into town and try to collect some money to buy their necessities, but it didn't always work out that way. The longer they lived alone, the harder it got. Arthur eventually turned his work into robbery. He would steal what he could and rob who he could. This lasted for almost a year, until one day...he got caught.
Arthur looked around trying to make sure no one was watching

He pulled out his small pocketknife and held it close to his side

Arthur walked to the back of a small stagecoach and tried to pop open the trunk


Arthur quickly tried to take anything valuable he could

The driver noticed the dirt stir up once Arthur began to run

"HEY!" The driver yelled running to the back of the coach

Once he turned around...he was gone

Arthur ran back to his house and burst through the door

"We can live like this anymore" Arthur panted "I've been too close to being caught too many times"

Ann looked down "We don't have anywhere to go" She whispered

"We'll figure it out" Arthur shook his head "Take anything you can carry lightly"

Ann nodded slowly

"Hurry!" He yelled as he went to his room to pack

Arthur and Ann didn't know where to go. They made themselves small camps from place to place for a few weeks...

"Arthur" Ann stared at the blazing fire "I don't wanna run anymore" She whispered

"What are you saying" Arthur sat up from his sleeping bag

"I'm not going home to run anymore. I don't want US to run anymore" Ann scrunched her nose "Our lives may be broken but I'm —"

"It's only us Ann" Arthur cut her off "we're all each others got"

"No" Ann shook her head "We know more people. We have people we can stay with"

Ann looked around the dark forest

"I don't think the Hickmans live far from here..."

Arthur nodded "if that's what you wanna want. Then we'll go see them in the morning"

That night Arthur and Ann barely slept, they left the minute the sun came up. They showed up the Hickmans home. They were an elderly couple that has been a family friend of the Morgan's for years, they knew their mother and father when they were kids. They knew Ann and Arthur and were more than happy to let them stay in their home. Ann was delighted to have an actual home, she made friends with the other children in surrounding homes. But Arthur...he couldn't fit in, he was too...broken. No one ever cared to even try to be his friends. Within a week of being in the new home, Arthur made the decision that he wasn't going to stay. A week after their arrival Arthur wrote a short note to his little sister.

Dear Anna Marie,
In the past week I've realized one thing. This life isn't for me, I've tried extremely hard to fit in but I'm too broken to try and have a normal life again. After watching Mama and Pa die, after struggling to survive and struggling to fend for the both of us, I just haven't been able to look at life the same. All I want is the best for you, I just want you to have a good life. I will forever love you but I cannot stay here anymore. I won't forget you and don't you ever forget about me. I'll come back for you, when the time is right...
Goodbye Ann

With love, your brother

This is a very different type of chapter :) but I hope you enjoyed 💞

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