curiosity killed the cat and perfectionism killed the bat [t.d]

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tim drake x reader

summary: you were the batgirl to Tim's robin. his everything, that is until you started to deteriorate away.

warnings: depiction of eating disorders, angst, hurt/comfort

warnings: depiction of eating disorders, angst, hurt/comfort

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You hadn't always been a perfectionist. Really, if anything that was a new trait. But of course, all new things become old and all good things must come to an end, and you were the best thing in Tim's life.

Bruce had taken you in under circumstances like any other of his children. Small child, carrying absurd amounts of trauma on their back. He saw potential in you the minute he laid eyes on your scared shaken from back in Crime Alley.

You were quickly welcomed into the family and not long after made friends with Bruce's newest son, Tim.

You and Tim were inseparable the moment you met. Bruce could tell there was a bond like no other between the pair and would never dare to break the two of you up. So when Stephanie decided to go solo, the role of batgirl was open and Bruce saw no other option than you to be Tim's new crime fighting partner.

You were thrilled. I mean what average child gets to go ham on criminals nightly and punch out their aggression? Though you knew batgirl was a more strategic role within the duo, you still couldn't have been more excited to be a part of the team.

However, that joy didn't seem to last too long.

Your first week as batgirl you decided to watch some footage of old fights on the batcomputer. It was videos of when Barbara and Dick were batgirl and robin and boy, were you blown out of the water.

You were drawn to Babs. Her moves, her brain... Her body. Everything just seemed so superior to you. You started to feel inferior, to feel like you were good enough, like you didn't deserve the mantle. It was basic comparison at its finest, however when you add comparison on top of years of trauma, it shifts into something different. Something more sinister.

Tim was the first one to notice your mood shift. Of course he was, the teen was your partner both in life and at 'work'. The first signs he noticed was your increase in irritation and newly adapted short temper. The most prominent example being the one fateful night on patrol.

"Batgirl, do you have the location of the drug circle?" Tim asked as he scoped out the area from atop the WE building.

"Yes, if should be right under the pier. A small ship where they're beginning to load up cargo for a trade." You responded as you grappled from building to building - catching up to Tim.

"Okay. Here's the plan, I'll go in first, quietly. Then you can swoop down and take out the two thugs by the boa-"

You interrupted him, "Why are you going in first?"

Tim furrowed his eyebrows behind his domino mask. "I- I just thought you would've wanted to do some recon before we go in fighting..."

You crossed your arms, "do you think I can't handle it myself?"

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