teasing [j.todd]

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Titans! Jason Tood x Reader

Request: Can I get a Jason Todd x reader with "I'd like to see you try." Or any prompt really. Just give me Jason Todd.

Summary: After Jason berates you with teases, you finally snap and accidentally confess your feelings.

Warning: Steamy teases (lol), Both reader + Jay are 18 in this :))))

To say you were tired was an understatement. You were exhausted.

It had been 5 hours, 5 HOURS, of non-stop sparing with Jason and he still wanted to go for longer.

Eventually you waved the white flag. "Jay, I really can't do this anymore. I'm exhausted, my brain hurts and my whole body is sore."

The older teen smirked, "I bet I can make you sore in other ways, yeah?"

You threw the bo-staff you were holding at him, which he easily caught and rolled your eyes, "Oh my fucking god, shut up." Walking over to the bench, you sat down, trying your best not to pass out from said exhaustion.

"Look, I'm just saying (Y/N), everyone else is away. Dick and the squad are on a mission and Rach and Gar are off being losers. It's just us babe," He sauntered over to you and took the spot next to you, leaning into your ear, "We could even do it right here if you'd like..."

Your cheeks flushed and you stuttered out the lame excuse of 'there are cameras!' Standing up, you ignored the emotions that were erupting within you. It's just Jason being Jason, you told yourself, he doesn't even mean it.

Jason watched as you exited the training arena but he was quick to follow after you, not done with his merciless teasing.

"Babe!" He hollered down the hall towards your room, "C'mon, don't leave me hanging like that!"

You shut your door and practiced some deep breathing - something Kori told you to do when Jason got on your nerves, why did Jason always do this to you? Did he want you to die of embarrassment?

As you were about to sit on your bed, your door swung open, a smug Jason in the frame. "So was that a no? Or are we just going to do it in here?"

You brought your hand up to your face, massaging your temples, Jesus, why did you ever let this boy get to you? "No, Jason, we're not doing it in here."

Jason frowned but then an evil smirk spread across his features. "If we're not doing it in here," he mock pondered, "Then we must be doing it in my room! Fuck yeah, that's more like it (N/N)!"

You rolled your eyes and stomped over to Jason. Poking him in the chest, you made eye contact, glaring up at him. "No you imbecile, we are not doing it anywhere."

He smirked again and grabbed your hand, playing with your fingertips. "So, that means you're doing it and I'll watch?"

Yet again, your face broke out into a blush and you ripped your fingers away, "No. Oh my god, Jason what is your deal?" You asked, putting your face into your hands.

Jason wrapped his arms around your waist, "My deal, princess," he leaned down to your ear, "Is that I'm horny."

You swallowed, "Jason. We just sparred for 5 hours and you're telling me that you're not tired?" It was a lame excuse yes, but you couldn't handle this teasing any longer.

He pulled away groaning, "Why are you trying to avoid this, babe?"

Turning around, you crossed your arms. You couldn't handle Jason when he got like this. "Jay. I'm beyond exhausted. I can barely move my legs."

You felt arms snake around your center again, Jason pressing into the 'hug'. Against your willpower and better judgment you leaned back into him, getting comfortable.

Lips pressed into your ears, the whisper of, "I bet I can still make them shake." lingering.

Instantly, you pulled away from the warm embrace. "Jason!" You hissed.

"What? Babe, I'm just saying." He shrugged innocently.

"Jason I swear to god I will ruin you if you don't leave me alone."

"Oh," He said lowly, "I'd like to see you try."

His tone of voice left you a blushing mess again and you stuttered, looking for a reply.

All you could come up with was a weak murmur of 'You're insufferable." then, "Seriously Jay, I'm tired. I can't - we can't do this."

Jason frowned, "Listen," He started, his smug demeanor now placed with one of insecurity, "If you don't like me that way then just say it, I don't need you to protect my feelings or some shit."

You turned to face him again and furrowed your brows in confusion, "No, Jason that is not what this is." All this time you thought he teased you because he knew about your crush on him.

"Then what is it, huh?"

You couldn't do this now. You were far too tired to think straight and you did not feel like confessing your feelings right now.

Though, because you were as exhausted as you were, all rationality fled your body as you began, "Jason, I love you. I have since the moment Dick introduced us, but I don't want our relationship to just be about sex or just be you teasing or -"

Before you could finish your statement, the older teen made his way towards you and gently placed his hand on the back of your neck, pulling your lips towards his.

You melted into the kiss but then Jason, all too soon, pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.

"I don't want that either (Y/N). I want you to be my girlfriend. I want the whole world to know you're mine, to know that we're an item." He then pulled away and ran his fingers through his hair, "I only teased you because it was the only thing that got a reaction other than annoyance out of you. It's like every time I try to get close to you, you put up these walls of anger and frustration towards me and I just... I didn't know what to do."

God, you were such an idiot. How could you sleep now knowing you made Jason, your Jason, feel this way? "Jaybird, I'm sorry. I was just scared. Of what? I don't know, maybe rejection or the awkwardness about telling you that would ensue. But I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you away..."

The other teen was silent at your words and you panicked, thinking that you messed things up.


He gave a 'hmm' in response.

"Can I kiss you again?"

At that, his whole demeanor shifted once more, he was no longer the angsty teen he put off a few seconds ago, no, now he was the sly, smug Jay that you grew to love.

"Of course, babe, you never have to ask."

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