robins spirit [d.wayne]

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Older! Damian Wayne x Super! Reader

Request: I love your recent damian fanfic! 🥺 could you pls do another one with "I'd hurt anyone who ever left a scar on you." with a reader who's a vigilante that often spars/fights with him. They show up at the wayne manor with a bruise on their face after fighting with Robin over a stupid argument and Damian's concerned. But then they figure out what happened and he feels rly bad. Thank you :) + *knocks on your door* so I just thought of something... What if a Kent/Super! Reader x Damian? Oki bye *closes door*

Authors note: This is so terrible I'm so sorry, I was really stressed today and I apologize for the shit writing

Summary: A new vigilante emerges in Gotham, one that's super. Batman and Robin find out and Bruce sends his son to confront this new suspected metahuman. After a rough night, Damian leaves 'Spirit' badly wounded, so when (Y/N) Kent comes over the next day with the same scratches, Damian gets suspicious.

You were tired of living under your father and brothers' spotlights. Hell, you were even under your mother's spotlight in civilian life. So, at the ripe age of seventeen, you decided to take matters into your own hand and became the vigilante known as Spirit.

The first few nights on the streets of Metropolis went horribly. Not only did you run into your father, who at the time didn't know it was you, a multitude of times, but everyone seemed to think the 'S' on your uniform stood for supergirl.

You were enraged, could you just, for one night, not be a Kent or a Super? You needed a change of scenery, so you did your research.

As you searched away on your laptop, looking up distances between cities, you came to realise that the only far enough place for you to make a name for yourself was in Gotham.

So here you were, perched atop the Gotham National Bank building, on the prowl for any villain that deemed tonight a good night for trouble.

"Come here often?" You spoke out as you felt a certain presence behind you. You had to admit sometimes super hearing comes in handy.

The figure, that seemed to be walking towards you, stopped its movements.

"Listen pal, I know you're there, why don't you make this easier for you and just turn yourself in."

"Tt." The figure gave.

You stood up from your crouching position and began to walk towards whoever this mystery person was. "If you want to do it the hard way..."

You swung your arm at the masked figure only for it to be caught. Damn, you thought. This isn't just any robber. The person caught a supers punch. I mean hey you were only half Kryptonian, but still.

"Impressive." You quip as you go in for another hit. This time the assailant moves forward and you catch a glimpse of them in the light, "Robin?" You pause, what the hell was Damian doing here?, leading Robin's hit to go unblocked.

It hits your cheek and you scrunched up your face, fuck, he has a good punch. Once again, only half-super, so the sting was still there.

Robin grunts, going back on the attack when you put your hands up in a surrender, "Hey! D-Robin, we're on the same team, calm it down!"

The masked teen doesn't listen and dives for another hit, "How do I know you are not lying." He asks, landing another punch to your side.

You groan, not in pain but frustration, why did Damian have to be this stubborn, "I'm a vigilante, just like you. I'm trying to help out the town."

Robin rolls his eyes, though you can't see it from behind the domino mask. "Prove it."

You blankly stare at him, "How?"

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