of coffee cups + criminals - two [j.todd]

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[Y/N] stood statue-like in her apartment living room. Since hanging up on Jason, not another word had been uttered.

Sionis had finally moved from his spot, now opting to move around her kitchenette. Her eyes remained glued on the criminal before her.

"So," The Black Mask finally spoke, "Miss... [L/N], is it?"

Of course, [Y/N] comprehended his words, but fear disabled her ability to reply.

The masked man gazed expectantly upon her, waiting for her response. Roman chucked to himself, it seemed that his confrontations always happened this way. Approaching her, he stood within an arm's length, eyebrows raised in waiting.

"Well?" He drawled out, clearly bored, it seemed to [Y/N] that he had done this more than once.

"Yes." Her voice was barely above a whisper and she feared that maybe she had said it in her head. That was until Roman clapped his hands together, seemingly happy with her answer.

"Wonderful," He sauntered back to the kitchen area, gloved fingers lingering on the countertops, "I have to say, we did have some difficulty tracking you."

As the words sank in, she watched as he took - what she assumed to be - a phone out of his jacket pocket.

Curiosity getting the better of her, [Y/N] let out a hushed, "What?"

Sionis, to be frank, found her quite humorous. When he usually came to set a record straight, the sorry Gothamite he encountered was often hostile, whipping out whatever protective items they had. [Y/N]'s reaction was vastly different from any one he had come into contact with thus far.

"Oh yes," He started, all the while scrolling through the files Mr. Li had sent him. "[Y/N] [L/N], 21 years old, originally from Metropolis..." Sionis looked up from his phone, he smirked at her, "Fan of the Man of Steel I presume?"

[Y/N] swallowed the fear rising in her throat as Roman continued to lazily look at her information. She stood as still as she possibly could, but her mind was racing. Millions of thoughts as to how to escape, how to run, how to get to Jason, swarmed her head.

An annoyed sigh followed by a slam shook her out of her thoughts. "So much information on you, yet so little telling me what I want to hear." Sionis brought a hand to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. It was unlike his informants to have this little confirmation on [Y/N]'s allies, it was as if he couldn't connect her to anyone.

Then, "Look-" He started, walking towards her once more, "You seem like an upstanding girl, my men reported that you make a damn good cup of coffee,"

He continued his monologue, but [Y/N] had tuned out. Of course - she thought - Of-fucking-course. Literally just her luck that the only reason for the shop to be busy was through the workings of the criminal underworld.

A harsh grip brought her back to the situation. The Black Mask had his clothed fingers wrapped around her forearm, squeezing with enough force to bruise. "Well!?"

[Y/N] looked at him, confusion clear on her face, "...huh?"

Roman all but growled,fingers tightening their hold, "I'm sorry dear, I didn't take you for an incompetant fool."

Surprised at his newfound hostility, she tried to pull away - only angering Sionis further. "Now, I am going to ask again. What do you know about the Red Hood?"

The Red Hood.

She knew of the infamous vigilante, of course - all of Gotham did.

"I-I- I don't know, just, he's like," [Y/N] sputtered for an answer, unsure what to say to keep Roman at ease, "He works with the Batman! I know that..."

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