fake it till you make it [d.w.]

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Older! Damian Wayne x Reader

Request(s): Can you do two (sorry if it's too much, you can do only one tho) for Damian Wayne? Sassy: "Hmm. So you 'do' have feelings. " Fluff and romance: "I've loved you for years." Thanks so much! + Hi! Can i request a damian x reader where he denies his feelings towards the reader, which annoys jon 24/7. So jon convinces the reader to fake date him to see for themselves that damian's hiding his feelings, and it ends up working, as his mood completely changes when he sees jon and the reader together.

(Decided to combine the two because I had a brilliant fic idea)

Summary: After years of denying his feelings for the reader, Damian finally confesses after (Y/N) and Jon 'date'.

If there was anything in the entire world that annoyed Jon Kent, it would be Damian's feelings towards you. Or rather his persistent lack thereof.

The three of you were now seniors in high school and though you may not be in the same school district, let alone city - the trio was closer than ever. Some members even too close, at least to Damians liking.

It had started about a week ago. Jon had approached you during one of your study hall periods, yes - you lived in Metropolis - with a request unlike any other.

"Fake date me." He said bluntly and then quickly blushed at the forwardness of his actions, "I mean only if you want to. But I promise it's for good reason."

"Good reason huh? Shoot." You quirked an eyebrow at him, intrigued.

Jon sat backwards in the chair in front of you and gave a toothy grin, "So you know how Damian likes you but won't admit it?"

You choked at his words, "No Jon, I don't know. Because he doesn't. Stop trying to make me feel bad about my crush."

The Kent boy groaned and tapped your desk with his finger when you looked down at it. "Nuh uh, you don't get to do this to yourself. No wallowing on my watch missy. Now listen-"

At those words, Jon then went on to explain his master plan. By getting the two of you to fake date it would make Damian jealous and then bam! (his exact words) you two will fall in love.

Rolling your eyes at the teen you shook your head. "It's not going to happen Kent. He obviously doesn't like me that way."

Jon groaned in frustration, how come both of you were so dense!

"Just try it (N/N). And hey if it doesn't work out then you get to say I told you so, yeah?"

You contemplated for a moment. I mean what did you really have to lose? "Fine." You spat out. "But there's boundaries."

The young teen nodded egarly, happy that you finally agreed, "Oh of course. It'll all be on your terms, but we have to make it look real. We can just hold hands and stuff, you know? We have to make him jealous jealous."

With a handshake the two of you sealed the deal and you accepted your fate as Jon's fake girlfriend.

A few days had passed and the weekend hit. This was the big day, the day you and Jon would be going to Gotham. The first time you'd see Damian as a 'couple'.

The two of you clambered up the Wayne manor steps and Jon knocked on the door, making sure to hold your hand (not very subtly) as he did so.

You heard Damian yell from inside and then the large oak doors opened revealing your tall crush - no, friend.

"Jon. (Y/N)." He greeted in his ever so formal fashion. "Thank you for coming over, I - Kent, are you holding (N/N)'s hand?"

You cursed internally, god why did you agree to this?

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