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- I hear soft snoring noises. It must be night time..... I should try sleeping. I stop thinking and I feel relaxed. I guess I can still sleep... At least one thing I am able to do

- I wake up hearing someone next to me

?: wake up

Josh: yes, sorry

?: don't worry about it, but we noticed something weird around 6 pm

Josh: Quinton, I told you, you where hurting her!

Quinton: sorry...

Nurse: no.... it was a positive difference. She was doing very well. What did you do??

Quinton: I hugged her...

Nurse: well you guys are allowed to do that, because it helped her. Jade really seemed to like it can one of you show me?

Josh: I'll do it

- I feel Josh hugging me...

Nurse: that's weird, why doesn't anything happen?

Quinton: let me try...

- I feel two warm arms wrap around me. I immediately feel the well known amazing feeling....

- I can hear the hart monitor beep faster....

Nurse: yes, I guess it only works with you. Do you two have some kind of connection?

Quinton: yes, we are dating actually
- I can hear him being proud

Nurse: than I guess she really likes you.... Moving on, we would like you to do that more often, because it helps her progress. She is doing fine and still nothing to worry about.

Josh: thank you

- I hear the nurse leave. She kinda gave my message to Quinton.... I do really like him...

Quinton: sorry man, I didn't know it would only works when I hug her..

Josh: no, no need to be sorry. Anything to help my little sis

- I feel warm inside. Josh just gave Quinton and I his blessing... *Again the hart monitor starts beeping loud*

Quinton: it's like she can hear us...
- they both laugh

- I do! I can hear you guys! I can hear it all.....

Josh: A couple people from the hypehouse are visiting today

Quinton: that's nice, when?

Josh: in about one hour

- one hour later

Josh: I just got a text from Nick, they are here and so is Jaden

- I hear Josh and Quinton leave the room

- a couple of minutes later they come back in, but with more people....

?: how is she doing?

- Nick!

?: I miss her...

- Addison!

?: me too...

- Charli!

Josh: she is doing very well and we have a way of helping her! Quinton show them!

- I feel muscled arms go around me. I missed this.... *hart monitor beeps loud again*

Addison: wow, that's awesome! Keep doing that if it helps her!

Quinton: I would love to, but you guys deserve some quality time with Jade too

Josh: Addison, you may go first. We'll be waiting in the hallway

- they walk out and close the door...

Addison: I miss you hun...

- I miss you too! I've decided to answer them in my head and maybe, someday an actual noise comes out...

Addison: when you wake up, I will never let you go. You are my baby!

- Ahw thanks, but I'll be fine. You shouldn't stop living your life just for me

Addison: Love you!

- love you too!

Addison: you can go now

- she left the room and the next person comes in...

?: I miss you Jade..

- Charli!

Charli: we haven't seen each other for a little while...

- I know..

Charli: we should definitely have a sleepover when you wake up

- Definitely!

Charli: love you! And miss you!

- Same!

- she leaves the room and now the only one left is Nick...

Nick: Jade, remember when.... I didn't tell you something....?

- yes!

Nick: well..... I love you! You are the one and only-

- me hart literally stopped, cause I love Quinton and I don't love Nick that way *hart monitor gives one long beep*

Nick: Help!! Nurse!!

- I hear a someone run in and do something with the hart monitor...

- I feel the warm, muscled arms from Quinton and I breath. Slowly, but better than nothing...

Nurse: whatever you did, do not do it again we almost lost her!

Nick: sorry
- I hear him run away...

- I feel tired, so I think of nothing just like I did yesterday.....

a/n: It will get more exciting next chapter!

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