6: All Those Effort

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CHAPTER SIX ~ All Those Effort

It took me all night to finalize everything for Saturday. Everything was set from food to venue that I almost pat myself at the back for a job well done. I haven't planned anything for anyone but I actually thought that I did great as I imagine everything. I did my best to look for things that would only cost cheaply but has good quality since the guilt that the credit card every cashier was swiping wasn't mine nor Zyler's. I just hope that one day when he and his mystery girl were happily married, he'll look back and pay Natallie Roberts.

I hang the suit I bought for Zyler at the back of my car and head towards school with an excited grin. I just can't wait to tell Zyler everything. I just hope he'll be excited as much as I am instead of putting a mask of boredom. I didnt want my effort to go unnotice and I dont actually expect Zyler to thank me but I do hope he'll give me at least a genuine smile.

That one real smile that showed the real him within. I know inside me that his a really nice guy. Not every man makes an effort to her special someone and its actually nice to see Zyler making one.

I park outside out of school and head inside the building, my eyes open for any signs of Zyler. His motorbike was here so surely he must be inside the campus but after so many attemps of finding him with no such luck, I gave up as the warning bell rings signalling that its time to head to class. Unfortunately for me it felt like its saying to me in a taunting voice; "Ha ha you failed."

And so I carry his suit to put in my locker behind my back with a frown on my face.

Well atleast, Axel was there in the hallway waving at me to come to him as he effectively ignore the girls that oh-so want his undivided attention.

"Hey, where did you went off yesterday?" He asked while we walk through the halls, "And why are you so upset? Seriously your face look like crumpled paper."

I sigh dejectedly. Its obvious that I'm up to something, I might as well tell it to him. Why did I even bother hiding it from him? Its not like as if his gonna hunt Trayton just because of a favor I put myself into. "Did you remember the gossip that I kiss Zyler?"

He gave me a confused look, "Yeah but what does it have to do with you being so frantic yesterday?"

"Patience is a must young one." I said, "You see Zyl-"

And then I remember it all. I dont want to tell anyone anything because I felt special that I could get to know this kind of information and the need to protect it was just so huge that I couldn't just do that to him especially that this is personal information.

If I were the one who had this kind of secret, I dont want it to spread. Zyler or anyone for that matter is no different.

"Go on." Axel urges for me to continue.

I shook my head and said, "God, is that a Roshe Run?"


"Forget it." I said, idiotically confirming that I do have something that I'm hiding.

"Tell me, come on!" He urges, his hands going into my shoulders. The second symptom that his curiousity is getting the best of him.

I shook my head taunting the poor guy, "Nope."

"I hate it when people do that!" He wailed frustratedly.

Shrugging nonchalantly, I said in a calm manner, "Then move on." I'm sorry Axel. Life is cruel and so am I.

"Come on-"

"Shut it cheekbones or else I'll punch your lungs out."

One thing you have to know about me, is that I hate -- with a burning passion of blue fire -- as in really hate when someone puts pressure on me. I have a high tolerance for it but once you reach the edge of it, I'll go ballistic. Axel interogating me of some secret that I wanted to protect made me fidgety.

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