Lesson 15

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💧Ramadhân is the month of the Qur'ân; there is a bond and relationship between the Qur'ân and the month of Ramadhân, for it is in this very month that the Qur'ân was revealed

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💧Ramadhân is the month of the Qur'ân; there is a bond and relationship between the Qur'ân and the month of Ramadhân, for it is in this very month that the Qur'ân was revealed.

💧Ramadhân is the month of reviving the Qur'ân and one's relationship with it; to the one who may have fallen short in reciting it or forgotten and left it abandoned, now is the opportunity to change, rejuvenate oneself and revive that relationship.

💧The Salaf prioritized the recitation of the Qur'ân over everything else in the month of Ramadhân, even the gatherings and circles of knowledge. Imâm AshShâfi'î was reported to have completed the Qur'ân 60 times in the month of Ramadhân, two completions a day; Imâm Qatâdah stopped teaching everything but the Qur'ân; Sufyân AthThawrî left all acts of worship to focus only on the Qur'ân; and Imâm Mâlik would drop everything and leave the gatherings of knowledge to recite the Qur'ân.

💧The Qur'ân is the best companion; one never becomes bored of it, for there is always more to to take from it, and repetition increases its beauty.

💧The sunnah is to not complete the Qur'ân in less than three days to give a person time to ponder upon the verses, so scholars who came after Imâm AshShâfi'î spoke against his actions of completing the Qur'ân so frequently in Ramadhân; but the correct understanding of the hadeeth is that this refers to the normal routine one has throughout the year and not Ramadhân.

💧There are specific acts designated for specific times, and Ramadhân is the month specifically for reciting the Qur'ân.

💧Fasting and the Qur'an will both intercede for those who fasted and recited the Qur'ân.
It is required of the hafidh to be known for praying at night when the people are asleep, for fasting when people are eating, for his fear and sadness for the state of the ummah while people are laughing, and for his silence when people are talking of that which will not benefit or matters they have no knowledge of.

💧One of the salaf said: The fascination and the amazement in the Qur'ân has kept me from sleep. I do not leave one fascination in the Qur'ân but that I am taken to another.

💧The Qur'ân was sent as a blessed book; it was sent down not merely to recite but to ponder upon its meanings.

💧The salaf divided their completions into weekly, monthly, yearly, and one that was continuously ongoing; each differed in its level of pondering of the verses, and the one that was continuously ongoing was the most in depth.

💧He has not pondered upon the Qur'ân, a person who has mainly memorized the letters and forsaken the rulings and the regulations and has forsaken the boundaries set by it (by reciting the Qur'ân beautifully but engaging in all that it has prohibited); and some may say, "I have read the entire Quran," and the Quran cannot be seen in this person's manners and etiquette nor can it be seen in his actions.

💧Memorizing the Qur'an is not only memorizing the words, but it is also understanding their meanings and living by it, just as it was said of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), "His character is like the Qur'ân."

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