Lesson 22

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💧Ramadhân is a month of worship; and it is not a month of eating and drinking as some people treat it

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💧Ramadhân is a month of worship; and it is not a month of eating and drinking as some people treat it.

💧Ramadhân has become a month of excessive eating and drinking, which opposes the fasting of the day time; one fasts all day but when night comes, he fills his stomach to its maximum.

💧The Qur‘ân clearly mentions that Allâh does not like excess.

💧Whoever doesn’t leave false testimony and acts of ignorance, Allâh has no need of him to leave his food and his drink — this hadeeth points out several points: Eating and drinking or not eating and drinking is not the purpose of Ramadhân; Ramadhân is not connected to food but to deeds.

💧No human being ever filled a vessel worse than his stomach. It’s enough to have a few mouthfuls to keep his back straight. If it is a must to eat more, then let him have a third for food, a third for his drink, and a third for air.

💧People misunderstand the hadeeth and think it is a sunnah to eat a third; rather that is the prescribed limit for food.

💧’Umar said: Be wary of filling yourself with food, because it will cause you to be lazy in your prayers, cause harm to your body, and it will bring about sickness; but you should be moderate in your provisions because this is closer to islâh and further away from wastefulness, and it makes you stronger in worshipping Allâh; and no servant was destroyed until he preferred his desires over his religion.

💧The salaf would say: Do not eat a lot, for you’ll end up having to lie down a lot, and then you will lose a lot of opportunities.

💧Because of overeating, people waste a lot of opportunities in worship during Ramadhân, because they are unable to move from filling their stomach.

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