Lesson 16

19 11 16

💧Ramadhân is a month to change yourself, for it is the month to attain taqwa, to turn to Allâh in obedience and to turn away from all that displeases Him

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💧Ramadhân is a month to change yourself, for it is the month to attain taqwa, to turn to Allâh in obedience and to turn away from all that displeases Him.

💧Making an effort to change yourself is a huge part of Islâm; and this change should come from within ourselves, for Allâh will not change the situation of a people until they change what it is within themselves.

💧The creation is not in control of qadr or what will happen in the future, but Allâh has provided them with the limited ability to facilitate a change in their situation and circumstances; and Allâh will only help a people if they help themselves.

💧A situation is not altered or changed until the people in it do something that causes Allâh to will that change; a person may live in blessing until he does a sin that changes his circumstances, and similarly a people will live in misery for the evil within themselves. The situation and oppression of the ummah will not change until the people themselves cause the change by turning and returning back to Allâh in repentance and obedience.

💧If the servant changes what is within him of disobedience and stops the disobedience he is doing and he moves toward obedience of Allâh, Allâh will change the wretchedness that is within him.

💧The outer self may have all the things of the dunyâ, but the heart is in state of filth and wretchedness and depression, and worse is the wretchedness of the hereafter.

💧Ramadhân is the once in a year opportunity to change, to correct one’s situation, habits, and routine; to turn back to Allâh truly, and one should take advantage of that, not knowing if they will reach the next Ramadhân.

💧Ramadhân is a time of tranquility and relaxation; the believer within this month climbs the levels of ascension in îmân; whoever benefits from this time in correcting their situation, renewing their îmân, then he has found the road and pathway to change.

💧All the elements for positive change exist in Ramadhân; one has the time and chance to evaluate himself and examine himself, to make a plan to improve himself and put it in motion. It is the time for determination, motivation, and aspiration to be better.

💧Îmân wears out just as clothing wears out, so one should ask Allah to renew the îmân in his heart.

💧It is recommended to take oneself to account constantly; one should examine the sickness in his heart and set goals to change it.

💧Nothing can be achieved except by Allâh’s help, so seek His help in making this change, and make du’â. Be keen and patient upon what will benefit, seek help from Allâh, and do not give up hope.

💧Fasting has three levels, the general fast, the special fast, and the most special fast; the general fast is to stop the stomach and private parts from fulfilling their desires, the special fast is to stop all of the body parts from committing sin, and the most special fast is the fast of the heart from lowly motivation and desires and all thoughts that take one away from Allâh and to make the heart disconnected from all but Allâh in a complete sense.

💧Ramadhân is a training period for change; one fasts from the desires that are permissible, then he fasts from the sins, and then he attains the level from fasting from all that will take him away from Allâh.

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