Lesson 28

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💧Ramadhân is a time to look after others by seeing to their needs, especially the poor and needy in one's family and community

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💧Ramadhân is a time to look after others by seeing to their needs, especially the poor and needy in one's family and community.

💧'Umar ibn 'Abdul 'Azeez said, "Successful is the one who purifies his wealth (by giving zakâh al-fitr) and remembers Allâh (by praying the 'Eîd prayer)."

💧Ibn 'Abbâs said, "Zakâh al-fitr was made obligatory to purify the fasting person from evil speech or deeds and to provide food for the needy; whoever gives it before the prayer, it will be a zakâh that will be accepted from them and whoever gives it after the prayer, it will be a sadaqah."

💧Every organ of the body has to fast; and it is a fact that no one would have perfectly fasted with all their body parts throughout the whole month, so zakâh al-fitr purifies the shortcomings of the fast.

💧Islâm made it obligatory to look after everyone, not just yourself; and that is the purpose of zakâh, to look after those who are in need.

💧Everyone, rich and poor, should be able to celebrate 'Eîd; it is not justice for the wealthy to celebrate 'Eîd comfortably in their homes while the poor have nothing to eat.

💧The wealthy purify themselves and their wealth by giving zakâh and looking after the poor.

💧It will be counted as zakâh al-fitr from the night of 'Eîd or one or two days before that. Ibn 'Umar said, "They used to give it (zakâh al-fitr) by a day or two (before 'Eîd)."

💧Everyone who is able to give, should give zakâh al-fitr and it should be given for everyone in the household. It is also recommendrd to give on the behalf of the unborn fetus, but it's not compulsory.

💧The one who is responsible for spending upon the household, such as the husband or father, is the one who should buy and distribute it on his family's behalf.

💧The zakâh should be given to the poor (those who have no money at all) and needy (those whose income is not enough for their basic needs).

💧It is better for a person to distribute the zakâh himself, but it is permissible to ask a person or organization to do it on his behalf.

💧Imâm AnNawwawî said, "The best thing is for a person to give out the zakâh himself; but if he gives it to the imâm or the one who goes around or the one who usually gathers the zakâh al-fitr and gives them permission to give on his behalf, it is acceptable, but to give it out himself is better."

💧Those who are most deserving of zakâh are those closest; the basic principle is to take from the wealthy and give to the poor of the same area.

💧One should start with neighbors and close relatives, then people within the city and country; but if he does not know anyone in need in his locality or it is difficult to find someone, there is no harm in giving abroad.

💧Zakâh al-fitr can only be given in food, not money; it is not considered to be zakâh al-fitr if given in money.

💧There is no harm in paying a charity with money, as long as the distribution is in food; one should only give money on the understanding that the organization will purchase and distribute before 'Eîd prayer.

💧The amount of zakâh to give is a sa', which is a measure of volume and not weight (e.g. liters) and the safest opinion is it is about 3 liters; in weight, 3 kilograms is a safe measurement to go by, because it comes to more than 3 liters.

💧Zakâh al-fitr should be given in the local staple food (eg, flour, rice, grains); the family can give their zakâh to just one person or more than that.

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