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(A/N: Hey, how are you all doing? As you can tell by the title, this story, after quite some time, is coming to an end. It's been fun writing this, although it has taken a little while longer than I expected, had a few moments of writers block, but I got there eventually. I hope you like this chapter and enjoy it! I hope you've enjoyed this story overall! Please feel free to check out any of my other stories, and now that I have finished this one, I have started working on something new, it is very early days and may not work out the way I'm hoping, but if it becomes something good, I may well put it up on here.. maybe. Anyway, thanks so much for sticking with me and reading this story, it means a lot! Enjoy this chapter, the final chapter, leave comments and whatnot, and yeah, I guess it's time to leave Carlisle, Sophie and everyone else to enjoy their lives and families.. although, I guess I've kinda left the story open a bit, but I dunno yet if I'll have enough ideas to carry it on, it's possible that I might! I'll go away and let you all read it and see what you make of everything.. thanks again everyone, stay safe! :P) 


"Finley Reed, how many times, get up and ready!" Sophie yells as she walks into Charlotte's room to see her still painting her face, I mean, applying make-up. I hate it, she's beautiful without it, but she's an adult now, we have no say, unless she tries to go out with something like a bikini on, then that's a big no, and go put on some more materials. "Good you're nearly ready" Sophie says and then goes into Fins room, Fin is still asleep, just in his underwear laying on his front, in bed asleep, he has been woken up 5 times already and still manages to fall back to sleep. Thank god it's not a school day, but we have things to do and he's slept in enough today.

"I got it babe" I say as I go to the bathroom, grab the cup and fill it with cold water, making sure that it really is cold. I go back to Fin's room and wink at Sophie. "You have 1 second to show me the colour of your eyes" I say, nothing, literally one second later, I tip the water all over his head, back, over his ass. He wiggles about until he falls out of his bed.

"What the- DAD! What's wrong with you?" He yells.

"Don't start! Your Mother already woke you up 6 times, I know it's yours and Char's birthday but you've had enough sleep, now get up and dressed!" I tell him sternly. Sophie standing there trying not to laugh as she has her arms folded across her chest trying her hardest to remain serious.

"MUUMMMM! DAADDDD!" I hear one of our other children screaming from downstairs. Sophie drops her arms and sighs in defeat.

"Go and have your shower, I'll deal with the kids" I tell her.

"Thank you" She says and pecks me on the lips. She goes off to our room.

"And you, get dressed" I order as Fin stands there watching us. I go downstairs. "What is it Theo?" I ask my 9 year old son.

"Grayson fed Casper and Cleo a treat even though they're not allowed treats for breakfast" He tells me, grassing on his twin brother. Yep, 9 years ago at the awards, Sophie was pregnant with identical twin boys, Theodore and Grayson, or Theo and Gray for short, we named Grayson after Grayson, we generally call little Grayson Gray or little Grayson, Theo calls his brother Grayson and Felix Uncle Grayson, or Felix, but we named our son after Grayson because he's been very loyal to us and our family, we wanted to.

"Gray, you know that those treats are only for praise, when we get visitors and when they're out for a walk" I remind him.

"But Casper did his tricks, and the Cleo was watching him have his treat and I couldn't not give her one" Gray defends himself. Makes sense actually.

"Theo, leave Gray alone, he did nothing wrong" I say as I run my hand through my bed hair. I'm ready to go except for my hair. "Where are the others?" I ask them as I don't see anyone around.

9 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now