Chapter Three:

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Snoke's Throne Room:
Kylo entered the massive red room surrounded by Royal Supreme Leader guards before kneeling before the throne at the feet of the Supreme Leader.

"My Lord." Kylo spoke.

"Stand up boy. Stand up with some dignity before your master." A deep, gritty voice demanded.

He stood. Snoke, stood from his throne, his massive shadow casting over top of Kylo as he stood over him, approximately 9 foot tall. He wore a long golden robe and his face was deformed and scarred immensely. His nails were long, and he wore a ring of black obsidian from Vader's castle.

"You have disappointed me BOY." He spat.

"I...BUILT you. BRED YOU. To be a new...VADER...but're a little boy in a MASK...a WANNABE. An IMPERSONATOR...I give you all the tools to success...and you LOSE..TO A GIRL who has NEVER WIELDED A LIGHTSABER." Snoke growled.

"I was injured after being shot with a bow-" Kylo began.

"YOU WERE WEAK." Snoke interrupted.

"She's not who you think my master. But I know where she is. I..I have an idea of where." Kylo began.

"I'm aware...and I DO know of her location...I've felt it...she has located SKYWALKER..and she...the LAST...JEDI...they grow stronger...SHE grows stronger...I don't know of who she is...find the girl...bring her to me...where is she located...?" Snoke snarled.

"My lord..I had a connection...some sort of force bred connection...I felt her...I saw her..her's humid. It''s gotta he in the outer reaches of the lord..let me find her. I suggest an attack plan. We must find the Resistance base and—-" Kylo began.

"Already done by Sir Hux...we have located their base on D'Qar...we prepare attack." Snoke began.

"Let me prove my worth. You fire, I attack from the skies with a TIE squadron once they try and flee...I'll do what must be done. No mercy. No hesitation. I'll board and I'll learn exactly what we need to know about the girl's whereabouts." Kylo spoke.

"This is your FINAL chance..." Snoke answered with haste.

"Once your ship is repaired. We attack...we approach as we speak." Snoke spoke.

"Yes Master." Kylo bowed, exiting the throne room.

Rey sat on the cliff side, legs crossed, deep in meditation. Luke knelt beside her.

"It's time for lesson number one...reach out. Not in the literal sense...but metaphorical. The Force isn't just a mystical entity. It surrounds us... it binds is. Reach out. Seek your feelings. The light, the dark, the wind, the sea, everything in between. Anything. The force is our friend, it's what binds is all together. Just breathe Rey...breathe..." Luke spoke.

She breathed softly, placing her fingers on the rock ground next to her.

"What do you FEEL Rey...?" Luke asked.

"I feel...warmth...I feel..light...I feel...cold....the dark...I see the light bleeding in though. Warmth. Animals. Children laughing, people singing." she began, smiling.

"I feel...strength. I feel its motion. Its..power..its...calm." She spoke, a big grin.

"And what's In that calm..?" Luke asked.

"Me. You...everything connected by one tangled thread woven together...balance.." she spoke.

"Yes..very very good Rey. Open your eyes." Luke said, smiling as she took a deep breath.

"Lesson one complete. In order to understand the force you have to search deep within not just yourself but the force itself too. Great job." He said.

"We'll eat and then lets get back to it." Luke smiled, helping her up.

Poe and Finn marched into the strategy room with the big holotable.

"What do we got commander?" Leia asked.

"My boys just reported back to me General. I got some intel thar Hux reported back to a Star Destroyer.." Poe began.

"That's great, do we know where?" Leia asked.

"Ma'am..we wasn't just ANY's The Devastator." Poe responded.

"That ship is two times bigger than even a Super Star Destroyer...what's The Devastator doing in this part of the galaxy?" Leia asked.

"Ma'am we aren't for sure but...according to our mole's SNOKE." Finn piped up.

Leia's heart sank.

"Snoke..." she said in a whispered tone, staring down.

A chill grew over Leia. A deep shudder that hit her hard. She froze.

"General are you okay?" Finn asked.

"We need to evacuate..." Leia spoke.

"NOW!" She shouted as they all began to go into a frenzy.

She walked past Poe and Finn who turned to her.

"General what's going on?" Poe asked.

"I'm not sure boys. But I sense a disturbing presence...a dark chill." Leia spoke, shivering.

"Kylo?" Finn asked intuitively.

"No...darker." Leia spoke.

"Snoke." Finn said, staring at Poe.

"We have to get ahold of Rey." Finn said.

"No, we send a beacon to her, they can trace said beacon to her. We can't let any trace get out there to where they can find Luke." Leia responded.

"Us three and 3Po are the ONLY ones who know exactly what his whereabouts are. Rey can help us, sure but she's working on Luke, this is OUR burden to bare Finn. Our goal is to keep Luke and her a secret. You got it?" Poe asked.

"yes..yes. I do." Finn said, reluctantly but understanding and swallowing hard.

"We've gotta move fast. I'll go get my X-Wings on stand-by, Finn, stay here with General Organa." Poe commanded.

"Yes sir." Finn answered.

Poe nodded and turned away.

"POE!" Leia shouted as he turned around.

"May the force be with you," she smiled.

"May the force be with you." Poe answered back, smiling, turning and running off.

"Let's get you to your transport." Finn spoke, putting his arm around Leia and helping her out.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now