Chapter Five:

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Airspace Above D'Qar;
Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer led the pack ahead of all of his TIE fighter squadron. At least twenty to thirty TIE fighters trailed behind. He was dead focused on his mother's transport though, the head transport. The Devastator's massive Ion Cannons activated and began firing towards the Rebel base below, shooting massive blasts that hit the base, sending tents and camps into flames. Kylo blasted just way through X-Wing fighters and Y-Wing bombers that charged him. Kylo sat in his cockpit stone faced, dead focused upon the Tantive IV. He pushed forward, weaving in and out of Resistance transports, firing at any fighter and knocking them dead on impact. He was an incredible pilot like his father. One ion blast nailed a transport, bursting it into flames, Kylo simply flying through, weaving in and out. Kylo snarled, pushing forward. He grabbed the Tantive IV in his sights.

"Remember Kylo, the front two transports. You deplete their fuel reserves that way and you kill the heads in charge." Hux commanded over his COMs.

"I'm aware." Kylo spoke, spinning his ship past the third transport in line, coming upon the second one.

He dove his ship, spinning it, firing upon the massive transport nearly identical to his mother's. He fired, sending the ship up in flames, weaving through its outer overhang, blasting down the edge of it, clouds of fire bursting around him as he swings his ship upwards, spinning to make a back pass, firing across the top of the ship, and swinging as he left a cloud of flames behind in his path. He turned, weaving through the smoke and flames before coming over top of his own mother's ship. His fingers hovered over the trigger to fire. Chaos ensued behind him. He targeted the main part of the transport where he knew his mother would be, watching this battle ensue. A cloud of smoke rolled around him as the Tantive V the transport identical to his mother's began to plummet. Kylo felt his mother's presence. He sat there, almost in a void as all he was focused on was his feeling and the sound of the roar from his ship. Everything else was silent.

Aboard the Tantive IV:
Leia stood buckled over in pain. Finn sat her down, sitting beside her as she gripped Finn's hand.

"Ben.." Leia spoke, gasping and gripping Finn's hand tighter.

Kylo froze.

"Fire Kylo! What're you waiting for!?" Hux demanded over his COMs.

Kylo turned his COMs off. Silence. His thumbs hovered over the controls to blast his mother's transport.

"Ben...come home." Leia spoke.

Kylo sat there unsure of himself. The roar of his ship and the eerie silence with the faint sounds of explosions behind him. His ship locked its target. But he stayed frozen despite being locked onto his mother's ship.

Suddenly, over his head comes an ion cannon blast, nailing the transport, it bursting in flames before his very eyes, the fiery cloud rising towards his ship.

His eyes grew wide, shocked. The fire blew around his ship, the debris burst out each direction. Poe Dameron's X-Wing shook from the explosion behind him.

"LEIA!!!" Poe shouted, spinning his ship around immediately to see Kylo's ship above the wreckage.

Debris pelted Kylo's ship as he sat there stagnant. Poe, shot his ship forwards, through the flames and debris. Kylo saw this and fell back, withdrawing his ship from the wreckage in silence. Poe zoomed through the fire and debris as it pelted his ship.

"LEIA!!! He shouted, frantically searching for their location.

He clicked a button on his vest, a beacon, that would lock onto her signal on his Navi-computer in his ship.

"Blooo...booo..." BB-8 beeped in sadness.

"FINN! LEIA!" Poe shouted into his COMs. He tried gaining her location but nothing was coming up.

Amidst the Tantive IV wreckage:
Finn slowly came to. His head pounded, blood dripped from his nose. He was drenched in sweat. He looked around. The center holotable was flipped, sparks flew. Admiral Ackbar lied on the ground next to him. Lifeless. Finn's heart sank. He tried shaking the cobwebs and blurry vision. He rubbed his eyes and pulled himself up from the seat where he and Leia had been sitting.  The room spun to him. A little bit of the cold vacuum of space flowed in from a crack in the window looking outside.

"Leia..." he gasped for air.

He heard a beeping sound. Her beacon. It'd fallen off of her. It was on the ground, flashing blue. Finn picked it up, putting it around his wrist.

"Leia? Leia!" Finn shouted, stumbling around but searching for her. He stumbled to the window, looking outside.

Finn looked outside to see where she was. To see if she'd ended up lodged from the ship. He noticed the emergency blast doors were shut. They'd been detached from the rest of the transport. Barely in tact, inoperable, just floating debris in space. The lights flickered. Finn panicked.

"We need Rey...we need Rey..." he muttered.

"Leia...where's Leia...?" Finn muttered, searching frantically before sprinting to the emergency blast doors, getting on his tip toes to see out of the tall windows.

He stared out. And there she was...Leia..

She was caught in the vacuum of space...her face beginning to crystallize like ice. Her body was arched and lifeless. A tear ran down the cheek of Finn.

"NOOO!' He shouted, punching the blast doors

General Leia Organa...was dead...her body was burnt but all in all in tact other than being crystallized from the space air..

Finn slumped against the door. Knees against his chest, sobbing.

"Finn!? Finn!?" Poe's voice came over his COMs.

"Poe...she's...she's gone." Finn spoke.

"I know...I just saw her body.."  Poe said with sorrow.

"I'm calling one of the other transports..lets get you out of there." Poe spoke gently.

Finn shut off COMs and put his head down, returning to his sobs.

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