Chapter Ten:

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Silence. Other than the roar of Kylo's blade and the whistling wind there was zero sound.

Luke stood across the trench from Kylo.

"Did you come to say you're sorry...? To save me from myself?" Kylo sneered.

"No..." Luke said, standing in his white robes and igniting his green lightsaber blade.

"Your master...he wants me so bad..he's going to have to get out and do it himself." Luke said.

"There won't be any need for that. Because I'm going to kill you first." Kylo spat.

"We'll see about that." Luke smirked, pointing his blade at Kylo.

Kylo pointed his back.

Rey sprinted as the Falcon zoomed in overhead,blowing up white dust all around her. A cloud of dust as she shielded her eyes. Chewbacca piloted she ship.

"GROOOOWWLLUUFFF" Chewbacca roared.

"Beeep!! beeep!!" R2 squealed as the ramp lowered. Stormtroopers fired, Rey blocking the fire. Out ran Poe, coming to the edge of the ramp, extending his hand for Rey to grab. Rey force pushed a stormtrooper, the scar on her head from her crash bleeding, as she sprinted, leaping towards the ramp and grabbing Poe's hand, being pulled into the Falcon just in time.

"Where's Finn!?" Poe shouted.

"He told me to leave...they captured him.." Rey spoke with sorrow.

She moved to the cockpit and hanging her saber hilt back on her belt before sitting in the pilot's seat.

Luke smiled, seeing the Millenium Falcon further down the battlefield.

"Strike me down and I shall be with you forever your father." Luke snarled.

"He was you." Kylo spat.

The Millenium Falcon soared towards Luke and Kylo.

"This isn't my fight kid...up there is...your master is...not you Kylo." Luke spoke.

"Then why're you here?" Kylo spat.

"To keep you on your toes kid." Luke winked.

Kylo shot across the trench at Luke, swinging his blade and clashing. They swung back and forth, Luke blocking every attempt Kylo brought to him. Kylo bashed furiously and angrily. He kept Luke on the defensive. Luke had never seen quite this rage. Sparks flew off of every collision. Kylo knocked Luke to the ground.

"I HATE YOU!" Kylo shouted.

Rey locked her target on Kylo.

"For Leia." Rey spoke, prepared to fire on Kylo Ren.

Kylo turned, locking eyes with Rey as she fired the blasters, Kylo turning, trying to block the fire, blocking one bolt, failing the other, before getting blasted by fire, hit in the abdomen, ams then the chest by Rey and sent falling into the trench.

Luke sat there, smoke rolling out of the trench from Kylo's singed body. The ramp lowered. Luke staggered up, stepping up onto the ramp.

Poe sprinted up behind Rey.

"Rey it's time to go." Poe demanded, the ship spinning and soaring off into the sky.

Luke sat in the seat behind Rey.

"What he said." Luke smiled, as the Millenium Falcon shot off into the sky leaving nothing but hyperspace streaks behind.

Luke felt a dark presence looming. He felt Snoke who sat in his throne room, feeling Skywalker's presence.

"Skywalker..." Luke heard like a faint echo coming from Snoke.

"I think I can take it from here. You go rest." Poe smiled, letting Rey get up from her seat to go to the back of the ship.

Rey sat down.

"Get some rest." Rey smiled, closing her eyes as she pulled the blanket over top of herself.

Suddenly, the force surged through her. She jolted up from her bed. She could see Kylo. In the trench. He groaned, eyes shooting open from the same force surge. He sat up. Holding his abdomen where he was shot. He was sweating and out of breath. He grabbed the ladder of the trench and pulled himself up. He saw Rey. She saw him. They stared back and forth for a moment. Kylo caught his breath, an AT-AT next to him with its undercarriage dropped out for him to hop on. He snapped out of it, their connection faded and then Rey was just facing a wall. He turned and stepped into the platform, lifting him into the AT-AT. Rey turned and sat next to Luke in the ship, smiling at him and sitting.

The Millenium Falcon burst off, leading the Resistance transports to their new destination in the galaxy.

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