Chapter Six:

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Aboard the new head transport:
"Poe Dameron...with General Organa've officially been named in charge." A tall, purple haired woman spoke up as Poe and Finn walked into the room.

"Okay...operations stay normal. Get as many transports off of D'Qar as you possibly can." Poe spoke.

"Sir, we got as many off as possible...we lost five in the process of their bombings on our base though sir." A twi'lek officer spoke.

"Dammit. That lowers us to thirteen transports with the loss of ours. We have no fuel reserves now. But we CAN make it to Crait just stay the course." Poe spoke.

"Sir, what do we do once to Crait?" Another officer asked, all surrounding him in the transport questioning him.

"We set up operations and prepare for a battle. Trenches are dug where we are going and they have old equipment. We'll have to set up some of our newer equipment too and we'll be okay. We should prepare for battle with the First Order. My second in command is Finn here. So if you have anymore questions come to either of us but for now let's focus on getting to Crait, getting this base built and passing the message down the line to the other transports and keeping our people safe! Now let's move!" Poe commanded as they all scurried into position.

"Poe thanks for helping me man." Finn spoke.

"It's all good." He said, beginning to run his fingers through his hair as they began walking down the halls of the transport.

"What's the name of this ship again?" Poe asked.

"The Avarella Twelve sir. Now Poe-" Finn began.

"What Finn!? I'm kinda busy here now." Poe snapped.

Finn grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around.

"POE! I SEE that, you just named me your second in command but we've gotta discuss this!" He shouted, them stopping in the hallway.

Resistance officers walked past them, one between them to frantically get to positions.

"About WHAT Finn!?" Poe asked.

"REY." Finn demanded.

"NO." Poe snapped.

"POE! Rey is our only hope right now, you and I, we can't fight Kylo, let alone Snoke...we don't have Leia. We can fight forces but we can only do so much. Poe. We need to call Rey." Finn demanded.

Poe bit his lip of nervousness.

"You're right. Send a beacon to Rey. God help us all. You deal with this, I need to meet with the captains and new commanders and such and gather things together." Poe said, patting Finn on the shoulder and jogging off, down the hallway.

Silence. Peace. The rushing waves. Birds tweeted and squawked. Rey meditated, levitating in the air on a cliffside, large holders, cycling around her.

"You must be confident in your ability. " Luke spoke.

Rey dropped the rocks and floated back down to her feet.

"Master Luke I didn't know you were there." Rey spoke.

"It's okay." He chuckled.

"Meditation is a wonderful thing. I'm happy to see you're channeling it. your ultimate test when it's the lessons. You seem unsure of yourself when using The Force. Let me give you a little certainty. Before we begin our final lesson. Let me take you to my favorite place on the whole island." Luke smiled.

They hiked up the mountain. For kilometers upon kilometers before reaching the top. The highest point of the mountain where sat a tall tree. Massive in size, seemingly reached up for ages. The trunk was massive and it's roots spread out for feet upon feet. Luke smiled, leading her to the tree.

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