It's Normal... for now

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Gradually, I felt myself drift back to reality from the dreamless sleep I'd been in. I didn't open my eyes yet, but I could feel the warmth of the sun streaming through the windows and onto my back. How had I forgotten to close the blinds last night? For a few seconds, I completely forgot about it , and attempted to fall back asleep again. Then, I felt an entirely different warmth next to me, and remembered EXACTLY what had distracted me. John was still curled up next to me and showing no signs of waking just yet, which was just as well considering the workout I'd given him last night.

For ten or fifteen minutes, I bathed in the sunlight and enjoyed resting myself on John's slowly moving chest. I occupied myself by staring at his face. His hair, which he'd dyed a blond streak into by himself, almost glowed in the chunk of sunlight which fell across his face, and illuminated his squared-off jaw and features that were rather round by contrast.

I could see a portion of rosy-tinted blue sky through one of the skylights above our heads, which was the cause of the light being shed on John. Outside, I could hear the standard noises you'd hear of a Saturday morning - people walking their dogs, birds calling out, and the occasional purr of a car engine on the street. I sighed, contented. When had I ever deserved such a picturesque life?

Eventually, I noticed John's breathing quicken as he stirred beside me, finally waking up. He opened his eyes and blinked blindly in the sunlight.

"Finally awake then?" I teased him, and he laughed quietly in a half-asleep kind of way.

"I think so," was his reply. He rubbed his eyes.

All of a sudden, he switched from half asleep to wide awake, and pulled me over for a long kiss. I gladly accepted, and he held me quite possessively (though I don't know who he was protecting me from in our quiet bedroom) and kissed me with quite a lot of tongue. I hoped that was the kind of kiss reserved only for me.

Finally, he broke away, since all people - no matter how hot - needed to breathe. I wished we'd continued, but I got the impression that we'd pick up where we left off from later.

"I'm awake now," he grinned at me, and I could hear the edge to his voice that I was sure made me want him so much last night.

"Oh, I could tell!" Was my equally cheery reply.

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