Twister :)

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After the shitty day I'd had at work, the games night I had planned with my friends was the most welcome thing ever. I knocked on the front door, and my friend Anna greeted me, inviting me in. I could hear more people than usual inside.

"I have a couple of extra guests this evening, I hope you don't mind," she grinned, "the tall one is John, I think you should know,"

The look I gave her was one of exhaustion and being completely fed up. I was not in the mood for having the piss taken out of me this evening.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the man sitting on the sofa. He was grinning and joking with the well made-up guy next to him. He was splayed out carelessly and fiddled with his rather long hair as he spoke. And more importantly, he was hot. Then, he saw me gawping and we locked eyes - a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth when he saw me blush a little. I assumed this was John. If this was who Anna had organised for me to meet, then I wasn't too displeased.

"Why, hello," he spoke with a voice that was already suggestive. I gulped.

"Hey? I'm Val." Was my unsure reply.

"That's a pretty nice name you've got there, Val." He raised an eyebrow at me, "come, sit next to me."

Looking around, there didn't seem to be anywhere else to sit but next to John (conveniently for him), so I obliged. To my relief, he seemed to forget about me pretty quick, and continued talking to his friend, who was equally as good looking. This meant I finally had an opportunity to talk to Anna. Things were going well, and I almost forgot about how uncomfortable I'd been earlier, until john's friend (who I'd learnt was called nick) suggested we play a game. Anna was very enthusiastic about this, and I was pretty eager too, until she pulled out Twister and gave me a mischievous look. For fuck's sake.

"I think John and Val should play first," she smiled innocently.

I sighed internally, so John wouldn't hear me. No doubt about it, I found him attractive, and I was looking forward to being so close to him. My worry was that I wouldn't hold up for the entire game.

"I think that's a good idea, I'll play," he confirmed.

John stood up and took his place on the mat, and gave me a searching look that begged me to join him. How could I resist, and what did I have to lose? I followed suit and took my place, too. We both waited expectantly for Anna to spin the spinner and I was already feeling a little too overheated for my liking just thinking about what lay ahead.

"It says should put your left arm on a red spot!" she shouted at us. Luckily there was one very near to me, but John, being the flirt he was, chose the red patch closest to me, instead of the very accessible one near him. His arm brushed my side and stayed there, which made me go bright red, and I think he noticed. I definitely heard his little laugh, which told me he was being judgemental. I wasn't sure how long I could play this game for.

"Left foot, green!" She commanded again.

This time, I was the one to cause the trouble, because I accidentally kicked John in the stomach as I moved. He let out a pained grunt, and I felt awful, but my main concern was that I found the noise a turn on. I wasn't usually this much of a whore, so why now?

"Are you alright?" I asked him quickly, trying to hide my strong feelings. To my relief, I saw him nod, and we carried on.

"Right foot, blue!"

This was going to be more of a struggle, since John was blocking all of the blue circles. I watched him move just in case he freed some space, but he didn't. Damn it. I'd have to go either under or over him to reach the circles, and that would make my situation so much worse. I chose to go under, since he was so tall, but knew I might regret it later. Much to my annoyance, I felt the tension between us increase as I passed under him to search for a circle, and eventually I settled into a position where his chest was pressing into my back. I had no other choice. This was torture, and right then, I wanted to pull him down with me and kiss him, not finish this damn game.

"Are you alright there?" I heard John's voice, and felt it too, since I was contacting his chest.

"I am!" I squeaked. I wanted to kick myself, but I couldn't, because I'd bring this whole tangled mess down and leave us writhing on the floor. Actually, that didn't sound to bad, but-

No, I couldn't.

Nick and Anna seemed to be enjoying watching me suffer (I was sure this wasn't a chore for John), and I could hear them chuckling quietly. Anna announced another colour, and this time we had to move out right hand. I managed it well at first, until John's hand eventually rested centimetres below my hip, and I let out a quiet yet audible whimper.

What the fuck?

If he'd missed that, it would be a miracle. At that moment, I wanted him awfully bad, and begged for the game to be over so I could go and stand outside for a few minutes to pull myself together. I'd decided I didn't like twister that much.

Suddenly, as we moved after another spot had been announced, I felt John start to quiver above me. That could only mean one thing. Just as many less than decent thoughts were racing through my mind, I felt his scrawny arms collapse, and he came down hard on top of me, knocking all the air out. That was the second time he'd taken my breath away this evening.

I let the desire that had been building completely overcome me, which was fuelled by the press of his skin against mine, and the feel of his weight on top of me. John twisted so he was still on top of me, but could look me in the face. He was about to say something, but I cut him off by kissing him as hard as I could. He didn't seem surprised at all, and actually appeared relieved, and put his hands behind my head and snogged back equally as hard.

"Maybe we should leave them to it!" Quipped nick, and Anna agreed.

Now we could do whatever we wanted.

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