How you met

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(A/n- yes Kurt is my favorite deal with it!)
Charles Xavier- you were at a bar with some friends while you were visiting London. You were kind of ditched by them when they found two socialites to spend their time with. He was listening to different minds and heard the lonely/bored girl at the bar ordering a strong drink you would like but at least you'd get drunk faster he searched for a moment before finding it. "Oh no don't drink that it's garbage". He said taking the shot from in front of you and throwing it back. "American? Afraid to order a drink from home I'm guessing"? He asked.

"None of-". He cut you off.

"My business, I know I'm sorry. You just seem like you like more of a mojito person". He told you snapping at the bartender to make it. He had a knowing smile always.

"Stop that, reading my mind, you don't even know my name stranger". You teased enjoying his friendly company. His mouth gapped with slight surprise.

"Charles, Charles Xavier, nice to meet you". He said putting his hand out for you to shake.

"(Y/n), (L/n) the pleasure is mine".

Hank McCoy- you started working in the school as an English teacher and he met you to show you around the grounds. You'd met Xavier before at your old job, he tried to recruit you for some save the world bit, but you were not interested. When he said he needed a teacher, you were more on board. "Hi I'm Hank or Professor McCoy during school. I'll show you to the teacher's quarters then we'll have a full school tour". Hank explained reaching to take one of your bags from you.

"I'm (Y/n), or Professor (L/n). Thank you so much". You smiled letting him take your bag.

Logan- you'd worked at the institute when it started and when it first ended, the first attempt didn't end well. Logan arrived at a random time. You were wearing a tank top, a long skirt with two slits running down each side. You descended the stairs shoeless to confront the intruder. "Who are you intruder"? You asked seeing Hank had breasted out.

"(Y/n) I thought you were in your hydro therapy session". Hank said before noticing your wet hair.

"I heard growling and cracking". You told him before seeing the table was broken. Your eyes glazed over and your face turned into a blank expression. You cleared your throat. "Get out of my house now". You vocalized at him. He was momentarily stunned. "I said now-" you choked on your words half way through.

"You're here". The new guy sighed being completely unaffected.

"(Y/n) stop you'll only hurt yourself". Hank told you running up the stairs to meet you.

"I'm Logan I need your help". He told you. "It's one freaking insane story".

Alex Summers- you were in prison, you liked isolation. You discovered your forcefields could disrupt security cameras, you knocked over a few gas stations only ever stealing food but one day the store clerk tried to stop you, he startled you causing you to create a force field and send him through the wall. You took responsibility for your actions, no one was ever meant to get hurt. In prison it was split down and men's and women's side someone pissed off another mutant and they made you help them. He was dangerous only you could get close. "Hey stupid"! You yelled at him. "They'll only lock you up longer"!

"Get back I can't stop"! He told you. You ran at him keeping your shield up and hugged him.

"Control it. Don't control it and no one but us will be hurt I swear". You told him. He collapsed and you caught him leaving the shield up.

"Someone cuff Alex and take the girl back". A guard ordered but you didn't drop the shield. "Hey let us in"!

"Alex". You said shaking him until he came to.

"Who are you"? He asked groggily.

"(Y/n) a delinquent like you". You shrugged putting your hand behind you head. You dropped the shield and they grabbed you up dragging you back.

Scott Summers- ninth grade is rough enough without dealing with powers. Yours were thankfully easy to hide. You were new and walked in on a scene of an older boy pinning a younger one to a locker. You tapped his shoulder and he shoved you back aggressively. "That's on you, now it's self defense". You growled grabbing him by the shoulders and throwing him to the side. "Step off"! You ordered and he jumped up running at you again you took off. You saw the kid he and his friends were messing with standing against the locker he seemed no worse for wear. You got tripped up and tumbled when the bully caught up to you you just grinned. "Bring it on". You told him curling into a ball while he and his friends tried to throw you around. After school, a fight and trip to the principal on the first day. The kid they were messing with ran to you.

"Hey! I didn't get to thank you, are you ok"? He asked realizing you weren't even remotely bruised.

"It's no big, it's what I do". You shrugged. "I'm a tough cookie. I'm (Y/n)". You told him putting a hand out to shake.

"Scott". He smiled.

Kurtis Wagner- your family was rather well off, always comfortable you were always happy and they supported you despite the Wings and all! You had wings, but they didn't want you flying incase you hurt yourself. You were on a family vacation in Germany at the time and decided to see the traveling circus. You were expecting bears and tigers, not a blue teleporting boy. You had never seen anyone like yourself in the real world, your wings got twitchy watching him. He was an acrobat and did all kinds of tricks. Your dad tapped you on the arm to point him out, but when he saw the look on your face he knew you already saw. You were wearing a t-shirt and you felt your wings trying to expand all on their own.

You got up and made a break for the nearest enclosed area. A dressing room marked Nachtfalter. It was pitch black but it'd have to do, your wings ripped through your shirt and flapped around. Someone tried the door and you hid behind it until it shut, your wings then started glowing. It was a soft yellow light, you didn't know they did that. You heard a gasp and saw him, the Nachtfalt. You stuttered awkwardly and he covered your mouth. "Du bist ein Engel". He sighed in awe reaching out towards your wings.

"I'm a what"? You asked catching his hand and moving the other one away. He had three fingers on each hand.

"An angel". He told you pulling his hands away.

"I'm (y/n)". You introduced yourself.

"I am Kurtis, why are you back here are you new"? Kurtis asked staring at your wings again.

"I'm not with the circus I'm from America". You told him. "Why did they put to in a dark room"? You asked.

"The same reason they chained me to the wall. So I can't run away". He told you with a shrug. "If they see those wings they'll take you too, you need to leave". He told you facing away from you.

"Let me help". You tried to reach out to him.

"Help me by helping yourself"! He told you approaching you quickly only to get caught by his ball and chain. "Fly away".

"I can't fly, but I will get you out". You promised him taking his hand. "I'll find a way".

Peter Maximoff- you were at a convenience store picking up some snacks and he dashed in. You had the bright idea to tree line the person running as fast as a speeding bullet. He sped off with you holding on to him. As soon as he noticed you he stopped sending you flying. "Oh you asshole". You growled standing up. "You have super speed and the most creative thing you do is rob a convenience store"? You ask.

"What would you do with that much power"? He asked with a cocky chuckled.

"Exactly what I do do". You told him pulling your lighter out. "Fire. So warm and inviting but so dangerous". You said creating a circle around you both. "I don't abuse it". He took his goggles off and ran a hand through his hair.

"I can't run through fire that thick. I'm Peter and I really like twinkies". He told you putting a hand out for you to shake and dropping a Twinkie from his sleeve.

"I'm (y/n), you should really buy them then". You told him extinguishing the flames. You accepted his hand to shake and he quickly wrote something on your hand. Before you could read it he picked you up and carried you back to the store.

"Till we meet again flaming one". He winked running away. You looked at your arm, an address his you could only assume.

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