First Kiss

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Charles Xavier- You were in the jet flying over the submarine. You were all strapped in, you were preparing to drop Banshee on them. You stood up to check on MacTaggert and Charles momentarily froze the others excluding yourself. He grabbed you by the waist and kissed you. "Just incase we die". He said letting go and unfreezing them. You were a little stunned but you had to keep moving.

'So not cool'. You kept thinking. 'Give a girl some warning, or at least time to pop a breath mint'.

Hank McCoy- you were in your bed room drinking like mature adults do. The students, Xavier and other teachers were away on a school trip for spring break. You and Hank were house sitting, meaning getting to have some adult fun. "This was full 20 minutes ago (y/n) I do not think mutants having alcohol tolerance is a real thing". Hank told you swishing the bottle of tequila.

"Well chuck said we had to finish this before the kids come back". You said before taking the bottle from him and chugging the very last of it. "Let's play spin the bottle". You suggested feeling very fuzzy and drunk. He was much more sober than you, but he did want to kiss you.

"I don't think that's a great idea". He told you. "We aren't teens anymore, besides there's only 2 of us here you'd only have me to kiss". He told you making you pout. You got up from where you were sitting and sat in his lap.

"I want to kiss you. Man you really are a nerd". You giggled kissing him and knocking the last tequila bottle to the floor. "Man I don't think I've drank like this since I was actually on spring break". You said pulling away from him and standing. "I'm going to go to bed you're welcome to stay Hanky bear, but be warned I'm a restless sleeper". You giggled falling on your bed. Hank tucked you in and went to the door.

"Goodnight (y/n)". Hank whispered shutting your door.

Logan- you were at the institute the night before the sentinel launch. He was in deep thought in his room, you had coffee to offer. "Late night"? You called.

"Yeah, come in". He called you hip checked the door open and held out the drink. "Thanks". He said accepting it. You sat in a chair across from him and sat with your legs crossed.

"I know I shouldn't ask, but what happens to me"? You asked sipping your drink.

"Charles says we would've been great friends and that you were a great person". He said being kinda vague.

"I died". You realized.

"Roughly the same time Mystique did". He told you straight forward. "But I wasn't here so there's that". He chuckled.

"So Charles said just friends"? You asked setting your cup on the side table next to you. "And without you I probably would be dead". You chuckled.

"Are you drunk"? He asked partially joking mostly serious.

"I only drink coffee if it's Irish". You told him with a shrug standing up.

"How Irish"? He inquired when you sat in his lap. He sat his cup down and you leaned in close to his face

"Enough to gain the courage to kiss the man I've know for less than a week". You said kissing him. He growled and you put a hand on his face. "Not enough to forget that that is all I want to do". You giggled and he smirked kissing you again.

Alex Summers- you were in the waiting room of sorts and the others were messing around while you laid across Alex's lap. "Hey, make room to sit". Angel told you. You sat up and pecked Alex on the lips marking your territory in a way, to say the least she didn't sit down.

"What there's plenty of room"? You teased sitting straight forward in his lap.

Scott Summers- it was after your fight with apocalypse. You hugged him tightly holding him for dear life. Sitting on the jet he held you in his arms, not caring if anyone was looking, he kissed you gently. "Awe knock it out grody". Peter groaned.

"Shut up"! Jean scolded. You held onto Scott for dear life to rest of the ride home.

Kurtis Wagner- you were slowly falling for him, strange as it seemed he was the most amazing thing to happen to you. You were stargazing on the school's lawn for an astronomy night you were cold so he'd put an arm around you. People started heading in and you watched the sky, he watched you.  "It's so beautiful, and so clear thanks to Storm". You leaned on his shoulder and he jumped a little.

"Ja it is perfect". He sighed relaxing putting his head on top of yours.

"Almost". You said sitting up slightly. You leaned in towards him to kiss him and he jumped. "It's ok". You encouraged cupping his cheek with one hand. He met you half way and felt him smile before he pulled back. "You don't have to". You trailed off before feeling eyes on you.

"People were staring". He told you kissing the side of your head. "So rude".

Peter Maximoff- you were on the battlefield with apocalypse, you surrounded you and him in a circle of flames and held him. "I'm fine it's just my stupid leg help them". Peter told you. You lowered the flames and aimed for Apocalypse.

"Let's see if Gods can burn"! You yelled blasting at him. He threw them back at you and you burst through them you hit him right in the kisser. At the end of the fight you were chipping Peter's leg free and the Professor woke up. You helped him back to where they were he laid on the ground breathing deeply. You knelt next to him and kept a hand on him in some way. "I'm ok babe I swear"! He told you sitting up on his elbows.

"I'd be homeless still without your stupid leg". You reminded him wrapping your arms around his neck. You kissed him and he kissed back for a moment before he pulled away.

"I knew you had the hots for me, the rest of me is still just as fast I'll manage. Promise"! He joked hugging you.

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