He realizes he likes you

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Charles Xavier- you were trying to have a mature conversation with the recruits, but they wanted to have "fun". "Listen I do not care what you do when I leave but for the love of all that is good please do not destroy anything or so help me I will send you all the worst vibes". You paused. "Yes I know my power is lame". You finished leaving the room. Charles laughed and you shoved him away.

"I can't help it! How you mother them a group of young people you've hardly met. It's endearing". He told you earning a shy smile. 'She's endearing, delicate, perfection. Oh shit'.

Hank McCoy- you were helping a student with a power similar to yours, except with ice. "Helena it's ok sweetie just breath". You told her holding her ice cold hand. "You can't hurt me just aim for the lake".

Hank watched you, studying your features how you spoke to Helena with such confidences. Your words backfired Helena freezer burned you. You were ok enough, but Helena had some work to do. Hank treated you in the nurses's office. He kissed your hand without thinking it through and you blushed. "Sorry are you feeling ok"? He asked helping you stand.

"Yes I'm fine, I need to talk to Helena". You told him leaving.

'She just got hurt by the kid and she wants to make sure the kid is ok. She's amazing, incredible, beautiful, perfect'. He sighed wistfully.

'Dear lord if I have to hear your thoughts about her 24/7 and you don't ask her out I am going to loose it'. Charles said in Hank's head causing hank to jump.

"I hate you". He said out loud.

Logan- he fell for you twice, mostly because you met before and after the timelines got fixed. Originally you left the institute the week after Logan originally had not been there. Raven recruited you to help kill Trask and in the end, got you killed. He realized he liked you when he saw you humming to Charles to ease his head ache when his power was returning, Charles's head right on your shoulder. 'Even with her cold outer shell she has a warm center'. Logan accidentally chuckled to himself.

"What's so funny"? You asked a little in shock seeing as Xavier was in a great deal of pain.

"Nothing. Nothing at all". Logan defended himself.

Alex Summers- your letters, telling him about your life he could see that in everything you did you looked out for others. You didn't argue your sentence, you did everything to ensure one thing, custody of your younger brother when you got out. He really admired you for that. It took a lot of will power for him not to hug you when they released your from your isolation cell. When you were at the compound he sat next to you and all he could think was. 'If I get thrown back in that hell hole this will be my only chance to get to tell her how I feel'.

Scott Summers- you'd been at the institute a few weeks and had become a bit of a spectacle, it started when you accidentally cut open your hand and didn't hardly flinch. Hank proceeded to scold you on carelessness. "Why it heals back in two seconds it's fine"! You told him.

"Yes, but now you have a bloody apple". Hank reminded you. "We prefer not to enact self-vampirism here". He informed you in a joking tone.

During P.E you were playing soccer and did a triple flip through the air to make a goal and didn't exactly stick the landing. You busted you knee pretty good and sat there a moment watching it heal. Scott being the only person who knew you when you pretended you couldn't do it, did not like seeing you hurt still.

"Are you ok do you need a medic". He trailed off kneeling next to you.

"Thanks buddy". You chuckled accepting his help standing up. "I'm ok, but I will except being carried". You joked hugging him.

"Please be more careful". Scott told you hugging you back. 'I can't stand seeing you hurt'.

Kurtis Wagner- you forced your family to let Kurt stay with you and pay for Mystique and Kurt's transport back to America. You really guilt tripped them. You disguised Kurt as an injured person wrapped from head to toe in bandages when you traveled. You felt like you could no longer trust your family and they were slightly scared of Kurt. He slept in your room on the couch. You booked a flight for 2 days after you returned with Kurt. Most of the time you and Kurt were inseparable talking about his life and both of your powers. You left your wings out when around him it was comfortable. You became fast friends but, Mystique however thankful as she was, knew she needed to get back to America asap. On the plane home the three of you sat in business class together. You fell asleep on his shoulder. "She's cute". Mystique commented. "How long have you two known each other"? She asked.

"We've known each other a few days". Kurt chuckled moving his bandages slightly to be able to speak better.

"You look like life long friends". She smiled returning to her magazine. He looked down at you smiling.

'It's an angel and a devil'! He chuckled quietly. 'I just met her but, I don't know who else I'd rather be with'. He sighed leaning his head on yours.

Peter Maximoff- you'd fallen asleep on his couch one day, he noticed a few things about you, you only had a very few different clothes you would change through, you smelled like very cheap detergent, and you always seemed at least slightly tired. You woke up and hour later slightly embarrassed. "No it's fine, you were tired, why don't I run you home"? He offered.

"No it's fine I'll walk". You said getting up.

"Then let me walk you". He offered again. "You don't think I knew? You come here every day eat whole food groups like you've missed them your whole life and always leave faster than I can say good bye which is pretty fast".

"I didn't want to tell you"! You told him sitting on the couch again.

"Your family kicked you out when you burned the house down". Peter said hugging you. "I can help if you'll let me". He told you. You nodded and he smiled. "First thing first go take a shower and we are washing your clothes in some good detergent. He told you handing you some clean clothes of his. You showered and waited for your clothes to dry. You crashed on the couch in the mean time. He let you sleep and put a blanket over you. 'Stupid'. He sighed holding your hand. He kissed it and you rolled away from him. 'You're ok now princess, you're safe'.

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