Your powers

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Charles Xavier- you read auras of people, you can tell how they're really feeling and when they're lying. Your powers when harnessed allow you to manipulate someone's aura and how they're feeling even to a physical extent. They also allow you to draw from your own aura to manifest balls of energy and allow yourself to levitate. (All similar to Scarlet Witch.)

Hank McCoy- Hydrokinesis the ability to manipulate  and control water.

Logan- Siren curse you can convince anyone to do what you want with your words. The gills make it hard to be in public without drying out or having trouble breathing while wearing a scarf, eternal youth is nice though.

Alex Summers- you can generate a force field around yourself and anyone who holds onto you.

Scott Summers- you have increased agility and accelerated healing like Logan, or more like Deadpool, let's say it comes in handy.

Kurtis Wagner- retractable angel wings (meaning they retract fully into your back)

Peter Maximoff- pyrokinesis the ability to manipulate but not create fire. You often carry around a lighter.

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