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  The next day (I don't own any of the pictures or drawings in the past and this chapter)

  Izuku wake up to start his training with Shinobu but as he think about her and started to blush by thinking about her.

Shinobu pov

  As Shinobu wake up to help Izuku with his swordsmanship to fight demons but as she think about Izuku she starting to blush by thinking about him.

Izuku/Shinobu: (I need to stop thinking about him / her before she/he find out)
As they both thought.
Shinobu is already was there with Aoi and Kanao waited for Izuku and Tanjiro with his friends.As the time they came Tanjiro was ready to train.
Zenitsu don't want to train and try to trick Nezuko into marrying him.
Inosuke was pump up to beat Tanjiro.
And Izuku is nervous to train with Shinobu.

Aoi looking mad but not really I hope.
Kanao look like she ready to murder someone.
And Shinobu look calm until she saw me and blushes and look away and I did the same.

Zenitsu: I don't want to do this I just  want Nezuko to marry me.
As he sound like he about to cry.
Tanjiro: For the last time she not interested in you and we not the right to marry and you don't even know her and you wanted to marry her.
Zenitsu: YES.
Izuku: Um who is Nezuko exactly.
Tanjiro: I never told you that Nezuko is my little sister that turn into a demon by Muzan and also Muzan the one who kill my family and turn Nezuko a demon.

Aoi: Ok let start the training. Zenitsu and Inosuke you will come with me. Tanjiro you go with Kanao. And Izuku you know you have go with Shinobu.
All the boy: Yes Aoi
Inosuke: Whatever

Izuku: 'What going on? Why can't I use one for all?'.

A two week later.

Tanjiro and his friends were doing their training with trying to do total concentration. But Izuku is having a hard time with his training because Shinobu is to fast and light on her feet.
The Twins: Izuku
As he turn around to see the twins he jump because they scared him.

Time skip

Izuku: Hello.
Kagaya: Hello I heard you got a hard time with training.
Izuku: Yeah it hard because I never held one in my life.
Kagaya: Hm I think I know a person that can help you.
Izuku: Really who?
Kagaya: He was one of the Hashira now he retired fighting demon but he still trained young one to become demon slayer.(said in a calm voice)
Izuku: Thank you see so much.
As he left.
Another week later.

Tanjiro wonder what teacher got for Izuku.But as he smell Izuku deep inside he sad.Izuku was playing with Nezuko in his room.
Tanjiro: Izuku is something going on.
Izuku: What do you mean.
Tanjiro: I can smell your emotions.
Izuku smiled disappear.
Izuku: Yeah there is something my ex girlfriend cheated on me with my ex childhood.
Then Tanjiro about to say something but a crow came in and talk.
Crow: Sakonji has arrived get prepared.
As it flew away.
Izuku: Is that a talking crow and who Sakonji?
Tanjiro: Yes he is a talking crow and Sakonji is the pillar of water.
As they get ready and got down and meet him.
Tanjiro: Sakonji sensei.
As he waved.
Sakonji: Hello there Tanjiro
Tanjiro: Why are you here?
Sakonji: I'm here to train a green haired boy.
As looked to see me.
Sakonji: So you the boy I suppose to train?
Izuku: Yeah.
Sakonji: Alright pack your stuff you coming with me to train.
Izuku: Ok.

Time skip

Izuku got all his stuff that Aoi and the little girls.
Izuku: Bye guy see you soon.
Tanjiro waved goodbye to him.
Shinobu saw Izuku is leaving she felt sad.
Kanae: Are you missing him already.
Shinobu: Yes.
Kanae: You want to know something.
Shinobu: He actually has a crush on you as long you saw him.
Shinobu: Really.
Kanae: What about when he get back you ask him on a date.
Shinobu blushed and also agreed.

Time skip to one month.

The Hashira were having trouble killing the demon(The one that kill Shinobu sister and also Kanae not dead just passed out)
Doma: You all pretty weak.
Shinobu was to hurt to stop Doma from killing Kanae as the other is to hurt to move.
As Shinobu try to get up and save his sister.
But suddenly Doma was frozen in ice.
???: Sorry I'm late for the party.
As they turned around to see who froze Doma is the one Izuku.
Shinobu: Izuku.
Izuku: Yup the one and only.
As Izuku held sword and said.
Izuku: Now take this.Ice breathing: first form ice breaker.
As Izuku launches himself to Doma and sliced his head off when he was still frozen in ice.
Doma: Impossible I'm the upper moon and I lost to a human!
As he turn into ashes.
As Izuku walk up to Shinobu and help her up.As Shinobu look at Izuku she started to and hug him
Shinobu: Where have been?(while crying)
Izuku: Well I tell you right after we get them back ok.

King Crimson

  Shinobu: So he try to teach you the breath of water to breath of ice.
Izuku: Yep pretty much.
Shinobu: And it took a month to master it.
Izuku nodded but Shinobu started to cry.
Shinobu: Baka I thought you were dead so I can't confess that I love you.
Izuku: Shinobu.
As Shinobu look up Izuku kiss her in her lips.And Shinobu kiss back.
Izuku: So tell me this do you want to be my girlfriend.
Shinobu: Yes I be your girlfriend.
Kanae: Look like I got a little brother right Kanao.
Kanao just nodded.
Izuku and Shinobu were happy they were together.
They ask Aoi about the other.She said they be fine.
The Twins: Izuku, Kagaya are asking you to talk with him.
Izuku: Ok.
Izuku: I be right back.
Shinobu: Ok.
As the twins take Izuku to Kagaya.
Kagaya: Thank for coming.
Izuku: No problem.
Kaguya: Shinobu told me you stop the upper moon by freezing am l right.
Izuku: Yes.
Kagaya: Very well Izuku you are now a Harshra the pillar of ice.
Izuku heard he was happy and having a new girlfriend.
Izuku: Thank you.
Kagaya: No problem.
As Izuku leave and tell Shinobu to see the rest of the Hashira were ok.
Izuku: Guy guest what.
All turn his to Izuku.
Izuku: I am apart of the Hashira now as the pillar of ice.
They all heard and most of the Hashira were happy.Shinobu hug him and congrat him being apart of the Hashira.
Tanjiro: That amazing.
Zenitsu: You know he can just froze you in ice right.
Izuku then kiss Shinobu on the cheek as she blushes and kiss back.

I hope you love this chapter and Yes Izuku is the pillar of ice and before I forget this is his sword.

     I don't own this picture or the other

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Green Butterfly of Hope (Izuku x Shinobu)Where stories live. Discover now