Family hangout

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  It been two months since Akiro was born into the world.Mitsuri is pregnancy is going well but her emotion is very scary.Her innocent face is now scary if people don't listen to her.
But Shinobu help her with pregnancy and Izuku help Igoru with what to do with a pregnant woman.
Izuku: Here you go.
As he hands him a ice pack.
Igoru: Thanks.
Izuku: Can't believe that Mitsuri broke you arm.
Iguro: Yeah I need to listen to her.
As they talk about what gender or name.
Iguro say it a girl and her name will be Emi meaning beautiful blessing.
Izuku: That a great name.
Igoru: Yeah Mitsuri came up the name.
Izuku: That what you expect from the love pillar.
Igoru: Yeah and hey what does Akiro mean?
Izuku: It means bright boy.
Igoru: I wonder what they doing?
As they about to get up and check, Shinobu went up to Izuku.
Shinobu: Can you hold him?
Izuku: Sure he our son after all.
As she kiss Izuku on the cheek and gave on to her son.
Shinobu: Mitsuri need your help and responsibility for getting her pregnant.
As she grabbed his arm and dragged him while he try to use his feets.

Time skip

As he was playing with Akiro with his toy in the living area.He was having fun until a voice was coming from behind.
???: Look do we have here a Class 2a student having a child that mean he will drop out and on of us mostly me is going to be Class 2a.
As he turn to see the big mouth of class
2b Neito Monoma.
Izuku: What do you want?
As he holding Akiro as he looking confused.
Neito: We heard rumor that you have a ba-.
But he was cut by class 2b girls.
Kendo: He so adorable.
Yui nodded.
Ibara: His soul is pure.
As the girls talk about Akiro.Neito got everybody attention.
Neito: Like I was saying we heard rumor that you have a baby so are you going to drop out of UA.
As he laughed like a maniac that make Akiro was crying now because he scared him.Izuku was mad.
Izuku: What is your problem?
Neito: My problem is -.
Izuku: Shut up you think you always think you better but you not your quirk allow you to copy quirk and now imagine that you the only hero in a situation and people you save have a weak quirk.
Class 2b except Neito: Oooohhhhhh.
Neito: Stup up and watch that stupid and ugly baby of your.
As he got mad and about to hit him.But he saw someone who going to do it as he back off.
Neito: That what I thought.
???: What did you call my baby?
As he turn around to see Shinobu with a murderous aura around her.
Neito: I said watch that stupid and ugly baby of your.
As he say that to her face.
Shinobu: Izu can you and Akiro leave the room for a moment.
Izuku: Okay.
As he leave with Akiro to another room he heard screaming and something broken.

  Time skip for a year

  It been a year later Akiro is now one and Mitsuri gave birth to her daughter Emi.As they arrived with Emi all the girls took pictures like they did with Akiro.
Mina: She so adorable.
Toru: Yeah.
Mina: Hey girls I got an idea.
Momo: What is it?
Jirou: What?
Mina: Let take a picture with Akiro and Emi.
Mitsuri: That a great idea.
As they went to find Shinobu and Izuku.They found them with Akiro sleeping.
Mina: Hey.
As they look at the girls.
Shinobu: Oh is this Emi?
Mitsuri: Yup.
Shinobu: She look exactly like you but with his father eyes.
Kanae: Hey everyone.
As they see Kanae and Sanemi.
Izuku: How was your vacation.
Kanae: It was wonderful and I never knew Hawaii was that good.
Sanemi: That the most fun I never had.

   As Kanae told everyone what they did over vacation.She even told them that Sanemi did the hula and recorded him.Some laugh and some were surprised.

Mina: Ok let me do something right quick.
As they look to see put pillows on the floor and a blanket.And grab Akiro and put his head on the pillow as Mitsuri put Emi right beside him.As they both sleep in the same spot and girls taking pictures.

Mineta: Why no girl be with me?
Izuku: Because you a pervert.
Iguro: And you harassing the girls.
Izuku: And YOU said to Eri 'I want to see you in ten years.' And Eri was seven when you said that.

   As they were talking about a playdate somewhere and someone is watching Izuku.
Ochako:' I will get you back no matter what.'

Nothing to say but
Imma head out now

Green Butterfly of Hope (Izuku x Shinobu)Where stories live. Discover now