The baby arrived

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It been two months since the Hashira and Tanjiro friends stayed in my world.Shinobu pregnancy is going well.and her stomach goten a little bigger as a normal pregnancy will go.Mitsuri and Iguro are now dating, Kanae and Sanemi being dating when I was back in their world.Aoi went threw the the portal as well.Kanao and Tanjiro are starting to date.The girls except Ochako took Shinobu, Kanae and Kanao to the mall to get new outfits and clothes.As for the boys they told them to a arcade so they can have fun that not involved swords.

Shinobu pov

As the girls continue to there day at the mall doing girl stuff Mina suggest to go a store.As they all agreed and follow Mina to a store.It reveal a store for pregnant women and/or newborns.
Mina: Ta-da~.
Shinobu: So that why you told me to come yall?
Mina: Yep since you three more months away giving birth we decided to give you and the baby some stuff.
Kanae: That sounded great.
Momo: I pay for the stuff if you can't afford.
Shinobu: Thank you.
As they all walk in a female employee came to them.
Employee Girl: Welcome to Babies Needs how can I help you?
Jirou: We here to baby clothes, toys, and maybe some other things.
Girl: Oh and which one of you are pregnant?
Shinobu: That would be me.
As she half way raise her hand.She walk to her and as some questions.
Girl: How long are you been pregnant for?
Shinobu: Six months in.
Girl: Boy or Girl?
Shinobu: Boy.
Girl: Ok ma'am follow me.
As they follow the lady to the section for babies boys.
Shinobu: Thank you.
Toru: Now let go.
As they look to find baby clothes and since Shinobu like butterflies because her clothes sometime look like butterflies and found a cute caterpillar onesies as they show that to her see was happy.As they went on a frog girl as a question.
Tsuyu: What are you gonna name him.
As she as that they look at her.
Shinobu: Me and Izu are still thinking about the name.

King Crimson

As they got what they need for the baby they continue with their day as Momo pay for the things they headed to the food.
Shinobu: 'Wonder what Izu is doing?'

Meanwhile with Izuku

Izuku was walking to.a store because he is done training his breathing and one for all,Ochako is still trying to make me break up with Shinobu, And the worst part is Mei Hatsume as him to try out her invention but he refuses.As Mei tell him that he own her back at the school festival but he say that only ONE favor after that she leaves.As he decided to go to the store until he felt like someone is watching him.As he quickly dodge it was a knife and he know who it from.
???: You finally came back to me Deku kun~.
Izuku turn around and see Toga Himiko.
Izuku: You know that I never love or be with you know.
Toga: You will love me one way or another Deku kun~.
As she said that violent in her voice as she got another knife.
Toga: You will be much cuter in blood~.
Izuku: No thanks I rather have my blood inside then out.
Toga got angry and ran to Izuku with the knife.As she trying to cut him he disappeared and reappeared behind her and said this.
Izuku: Begone THOT!
As he smacked her leaving her unconscious into a wall.
Izuku: Ok I need to get to the store before someone else bad happens.

King Crimson

As the girls came back from the mall they see the boys and Eri watching a movie on TV in the living area.
Mina: Hey guys we back.
Eijiro: Hey welcome back.
As they saw the stuff, the grape pervert walked to the stuff to see any bra's but Izuku grab him and freeze his body.
Izuku: Hey baby how your day?
As he hug Shinobu and she hug back.
Shinobu: I'm carrying your baby.
Jirou: Dang she got you.
As Izuku pick up the baby stuff to their dorm.As Shinobu sit down on the couch and rest for the day.As Izuku open his door he see Ochako naked under the covers in his bed.
Ochako: Hey Zuzu~ why won't we do it and forget about her.
Izuku went to her and she think it working until he use his blanket wrap wrapping around the naked girl and took her to her room.
Izuku: I never going to be with you now leave me alone.
As he close the door and went back to his and replaced the cover with a new one and put the stuff.And went back to Shinobu.
Izuku: Hey everyone.
Iguro: What wrong with you?
Izuku: Uraraka try to seduce me again.
Eri: Mama how long until I see my brother?
Shinobu: Three months dear.

Green Butterfly of Hope (Izuku x Shinobu)Where stories live. Discover now