Date with Shinobu

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  The later in day Izuku ask Shinobu on a date since they never been on.And Shinobu happy and say yes.They get ready for tomorrow afternoon.And went to bed.

Izuku pov

  Izuku was sleeping until he heard someone knocking on his door he try to get up but he is to tired.But he thought it was in his head and went back to sleep.Then the knock got louder he get to see Shinobu older sister Kanae.

Izuku: Oh hey Kanae what do you need?
Said sleepy
Kanae: First it rude to answer the first time.
Izuku: Sorry I was tired and I thought it was in my head.
Kanae: It alright.
Izuku: Why are you here exactly?
Kanae: I here to say thank you.
Izuku: For what?
Kanae: For Shinobu I never seen her happy like that in my entire life.
Izuku: Your welcome.
As she leaves Izuku alone and went to sleep.

  King Crimson

When Izuku woke up as he stretch to wake up his body.The rest was still sleeping after the demon attack.He was about to train but Aoi call him.
Aoi: Hey Izuku.
Izuku: Morning Aoi what do you need?
Aoi: When we try to fix your clothes we found this.
As she up his phone.Izuku was surprised that he forgot about it.He try turn it on and it did.
Izuku: 'Good thing I bought the water proof phone plus damage protection.'
Aoi: What is that thing anyway?
Izuku: It a phone.
Aoi: What a phone?
But suddenly the twins came up to Izuku.
Kiriya( it the one with black hair): Kagaya has requested you.
Kuina( the one with white hair): Now please come with us.
As they walk away he follows the twins to Kagaya room.The twins leave them alone.
Kagaya: Hello there.
Izuku: Hello Kagaya is thier anything you need?
Kagaya: No just a question.
Izuku: I can try to answer it as best as I can.
Kagaya: As long you answered it going be okay.
Izuku sit down right in front of him.
Kagaya: Now are you from this world?
Izuku was shocked by that question.
Kagaya: Because Aoi say that your clothes are hard to fix it but it different from our.So it this true?
Izuku: Yes it true I'm not from this world.
Kagaya: So tell what your world and your life their.
Izuku: I have a adopted daughter name Eri.
Kagaya: What does she work like?
Izuku: She about eight now.She got white hair with red eyes, and she also got a small horn on her right side of her forehead.
Kagaya: Is there anything different from our world?
Izuku: Yes there is in my world there power call quirks is a thing that give us power but only the eighty percent is and twenty percent is powerless.
Kagaya: I see.
Izuku: And I used to have a girlfriend but she cheated on me.
Kagaya pat his head.
Kagaya: It all right and you can leave now.
As he in a calm voice.
As Izuku leave and went to his room to get ready.
Izuku: 'Wonder what Shinobu is doing?'

   Meanwhile with Shinobu

   Shinobu was nervous about her and Izuku date.Kanae help Shinobu with her clothes and Kanao just watching.
Kanae: Just come down.
Shinobu: I can't come down it me and Izuku first date!
Kanae: It going to be okay.
Shinobu: You right.
Kanae: Now let get you ready for your date.

   King Crimson

   Izuku and Shinobu are in town walking to Shinobu favorite cafe.
Izuku: Hey Shinobu I got a question?
Shinobu: What is it?
Izuku: Were you spying on me and Kagaya?
Shinobu was nervous.
Shinobu: Yes and how do you know?
Izuku: When I was training my senses gotten better.
Shinobu: Ok.
Izuku: You also know I have a daughter and my ex cheated on me?
Shinobu: Yes I feel sorry for Eri.
Izuku: She always want a mother and I thought she was the one but I guest not.
Shinobu: I can be your daughter mother.
Izuku was shocked.
Izuku: Really?
Shinobu nodded yes.
Izuku: Thank you.
Shinobu: Now let continue our date.

   King Crimson

    Izuku and Shinobu just got back from there date and they were drunk went to bed Shinobu ask Izuku to sleep with her and he agreed.As they both fall asleep later in the night.

Green Butterfly of Hope (Izuku x Shinobu)Where stories live. Discover now