jυng нoѕeoĸ || roller coaѕтerѕ

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A/n: He's so cute in this photo. Hand in marriage right now Hobi!! This is also kinda short since I haven't been to an amusement park in like four years and don't remember the things I did last time I went :0 (fem! reader)

Date Published: May 22, 2020


"We should go on that roller coaster," you pointed as soon as the two of you entered the amusement park.

You excitedly looked towards your new boyfriend, hoping that he would agree. Your mutual friends had both set you up on a blind date with him a month and a half prior, and the two of you instantly felt a connection. Despite that date being the first time the two of you have spoken to each other, it felt like you two have grown up with each other. The one hour date ended up lasting five hours and the two of you immediately scheduled another date. One turned to two, then two to four; now you could officially call Jung Hoseok your boyfriend. And now you two were on your first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend, the brunette choosing to go to the amusement park.

You could see Hoseok gulp while looking at the roller coaster but he quickly dismissed your worry as he dragged you into line, "Let's do it then!"

Truthfully, he was terrified of roller coasters. It sounds dumb of him to invite you over to the amusement park when he was terrified to go on the rides but he did it for you. On your first date, the topic of amusement parks was brought up; you mentioned how you've never been to the amusement parks in this area since you came from a different city, only coming here for your university. Hoseok couldn't believe that you didn't get to experience it first hand and wanted to take you, which is why he pushed his fears aside to let you enjoy today. Besides, he wanted to impress you today so he wasn't going to let something he considered stupid get in the way.


"L-Let's go on this ride next," Hoseok tried to pull you over.

You looked at him concerned, his face extremely pale. Despite him being the one dragging you on the rides, he seemed like he was sick. You took notice after he squeezed your hand when you two went on the first ride but easily brushed it off as him trying to comfort you. The second strike was when he started screaming on the rides, however you also screamed on the rides as you thought it was more fun if you did so. The last strike was just now when he came out of the bathroom pale looking like he just threw up.

"Are you okay Hobi," you asked as you yanked your arm back from him, "We don't have to continue going on these rollercoasters, we can just sit on a bench for a while? I'm kind of tired of walking anyways."

Hoseok nervously laughed but agreed, leading you to a bench. You two sat down and you noticed Hoseok let out a sigh of relief, your concern growing.

"Do I have something on my face," he laughed as he turned to gaze at you.

"You didn't answer my question earlier," you sighed.

Despite how much fun this experience has been for you, you didn't want to have fun alone. This was your first date with your boyfriend and you wanted it to be something the both of you enjoyed, you weren't the only one in the relationship after all.

"I'm feeling just fine-," Hoseok was quickly cut off by you.

"You don't have to lie."

He sighed as his face soon became flustered, "I'm scared of roller coasters."

"What," you stiffed a laugh.

Hoseok nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away from you, "I actually hate riding them, I just wanted to go on them with you. It's stupid but I thought it would impress you."

You couldn't help but laugh at his response, although the male took it the wrong way. You were laughing because of how cute he was being but he thought you were making fun of him, his shoulders shrinking back as he looked at you. You quickly took notice of this and stopped laughing, although you couldn't get over his actions. It touched your heart that he would suffer himself to make you happy, especially since you two were barely in a relationship.

"I'm sorry, it's just, you don't need to try and impress me," you smiled as you kissed his cheek, "You already have."

To say he became flustered was an understatement, he was completely embarrassed now. And even despite knowing he could've avoided going on the rollercoasters, he was glad he did. Seeing you happy and smiling was worth it, whether he had to push aside his fears or be the reason you're laughing, it was all worth it. People told him it was too early for him to know he loved you but he knew he did, that's why he's able to be like this with you. And once he told you, he would learn that you felt the exact same way.

"Yeah," Hoseok laughed before slinging his arm around your shoulder, "I knew that."

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