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it's him.

what do i do? do i text him? i should, he's my boyfriend. i'm trembling.. i cant open the message. wait, i'm in the hallway... i should go somewhere.

i decide to run to the infirmary. my phone is going off like crazy. he's gonna start calling me soon. i open the infirmary door. i took a quick glance inside and saw no one. good, no one is here.

i quickly open the message. he's pissed. i know what's going to happen..

(a/n: i want his name to be revealed later)

where are you?
why aren't you answering ur
damn phone?
i swear if you don't answer me

ah.. sorry i was heading
to the infirmary and i had my phone off
read 4:20 pm

why are you there
and why did u turn off ur phone
what did i tell u abt that?!

im sorry.. ill keep it on
read 4:22 pm

u dont want what happened
last time to repeat itself
i bought a ticket back home
the flight is next month
i'll see you then, bye


he's coming back earlier than expected. dammit. i turn my phone off and slowly fall onto the ground. my trembling was getting worse.. i should leave him.

but, i can't. he'll do something bad if i ever did. i felt a tear fall down my cheek. one tear turned into many. i was having a breakdown.

then, i heard a voice reach out to me. so soft and so calm.



seungmin's POV
i'm resting in the infirmary when i suddenly get a notification. it's from instagram. a like? a new follower?

it turned out to be a new follower. i clicked on the username and i couldn't believe it.

y/n?! she's following me? should i follow her back? why is she following me? for my music? for me? UGH SO MANY THOUGHTS.

i put my arm over my face to cleanse my mind. it's dead quiet. suddenly, i hear the door open. sounds like the person's out of breath. have they noticed someone is in here?

i peaked my head from around the corner. the small figure of y/n was standing in the corner, trembling. she looks scared. why is that? i decide to eavesdrop.

after what seems like 10 minutes, y/n drops to the ground. i hear her light sobs. i want to comfort her. i can't stand to see her sad. i slowly walk up to her.


she stops trembling. it's as if just hearing my voice helped her calm down. she looks up and notices me kneeling in front of her.

her eyes are red and are filled to the brim with tears. she puts on a sad smile and suddenly wraps her arms around my torso.

why... why is she hugging me? does she need to comfort right now? i'm not complaining, i'm just confused. i guess she needs it so i wrap my arms around her and slowly stroke her head.

"hey.. it'll be alright-" i tried to reassure her with my words when suddenly her hood falls down, revealing her soft black hair and a strange mark on the back of her neck.

"y/n... is that.. a bruise?"

she looks up and quickly puts her hood back on. she looks panicked. so, it is a bruise.

"who did that to you?!" still no answer. i take off her hood to examine the bruise. i lightly touch it and she whines in pain.

"sorry! sorry.. sit up. i'll treat it."

she still looks slightly panicked, but she's calmed down by now. she's hesitant, but she knows she'll have to take off her hoodie.

i turn around after getting the first aid kit and she's sitting up with no hoodie on. she...

she's badly hurt.

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