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I walked inside my dads house before calling his name. He came out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Amor." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Daddy I'm not ready." I said and he sighed before pulling me in his office.

"I know Amor. I gave you days to get ready. I didn't raise a wimp." He said and i playfully smacked my lips.

"Is he coming to get it?" I asked and he shook his head in a quickness.

"No. I refuse to give it up that easily. With this money, you will never have to work again." He said and i sighed.

"Okay. If you don't mind, how much is it?" I asked. He smirked.

"43 million dollars." He said with a shrug but me, my eyes went wide.

"Daddy I cant keep all that money to myself! Are you crazy?" I asked and he gave me a side eye. He shook his head.

"No Amor. Besides, I have way more then that. That's just half." He said and i shook my head.

"Wow." I murmured. My dad clapped his hands together before a women walked in. She carried a tray of everything she needed. My heart began to race but then again, I've felt more pain then this.

"Amor, just relax. I got you okay." He said and i nodded as I squeezed his hand. The women wiped my arm down before I directed her where she was supposed to cut.

Once we got settled, she began to cut my arm and when I tell you that shit hurted. I winced as I felt the digging. Now I know how Benji was feeling. The women held the chip in front of me as it was covered in blood.

I shook my head as my dad stared at it. He grabbed it with tissue before wiping it and sitting it on his desk.

The women cleaned me up and stitched my arm back up.

"Thank you Monica." My dad gave her a head and she smiled before walking out.

"So all this time." He said and i shrugged.

"Mom said it was the safest place. At first I didn't agree but then, I knew my Uncle Pablo would never make it to me." I said.


I was in class in a day dream before my eyes trailed to Kairo making silly faces in the window of the door. I shook my head once I seen Pierre next. I chuckled at the two before Ms. Larry walked to the door opening it. Kairo and Pierre ran off.

"Rodriguez!" She yelled after them. They stay in trouble. I continued to day dream when I got a text from Rj.

Rj😒: I'm outside waiting on you😘

I rolled my eyes before leaving him on read. I closed my phone before hearing Ms. Larry call me out.

"Put that phone up Riley." She said. I continued to do my work until the bell ringed. I grabbed my books before walking out the classroom to my locker. I put my code in then put my books inside.

Kairo and Pierre walked up to me and we walked out together. Hopefully Rj would leave me alone if he seen my brothers. We walked out the double doors and there he was, staring deep into my soul with those beautiful brown eyes but I wasn't falling for it. I knew what was behind those eyes.

"RY!" He yelled and me and my brothers looked at him.

"Yo you know him?" Pierre asked.

"Nigga look funky." Kairo said and Pierre smacked his lips before mushing his shoulder.

"What Rj?" I asked and he looked at my brothers before looking at me.

"Why you been ignoring my calls?" He asked.

"You know why Rj. Don't play dumb." I said and Pierre raised a brow.

"What the fuck you mean? What he do?" Pierre asked and i rolled my eyes.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said about to walk to Pierre's car but he pulled me back forcefully.

"No Riley. Speak up." He said and i sighed.

"Look Ive been tryna apologize for what happened that night." Rj spoke.

"What the fuck Happened?!" Pierre voice became louder bring attention towards us and lord knows I don't like attention. Jayla walked towards us with a confused look.

"What's goin—."

"Shh!" Kairo said to her.

"If I ask you one more time." Pierre said sternly. Pierre was a serious person just like Benji. They did not play about me or Jayla.

"He touch you? He forced you to do something yeen wanna do? He beat you?" Pierre asked and I looked away. Pierre clenched his jaw before walking to his car. I knew what he was going to grab.

"Pierre no." I said and he snatched from my hold before cocking his gun and walking up to Rj. Rj held his hands up in surrender.

"Nigga you raped my sister?" Pierre asked and I pushed him back. I looked around to see people on the phone.

"Pierre stop. Let's just go!" I said but he pushed me making me stumble.

My stomach turned in knots due to fear. I knew Pierre was willing to kill anyone. But he didn't go looking for no one to kill though.

"Pierre please stop!" I said as i was about to push his hand but I stopped as I watched him shoot Rj twice in his chest making him fall onto the ground.

"Pierre!" I screamed as police sirens were heard getting closer. The police pulled up before getting out their car. They pointed their guns at him and Pierre put his hands up before dropping the gun. They put Pierre in handcuffs and he looked at me with no remorse for what he did.

I know what he did was wrong, but Rj got what he deserved. That night, I felt so much pain that I've never felt before.

"Pierre!" I cried as the ambulances pulled up. My brother might be going to jail for life for murder.

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