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I changed into my clothes before doing my hair as Nova played on the floor with her toys . She was fully dressed and ready to go but I just needed to do my make up and hair .

"You look so pretty mamas ." I said as I smiled at her .

I did my hair and makeup before slipping on my slides

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I did my hair and makeup before slipping on my slides . I put some more lotion on Nova's face, legs and arms before picking her up and walking downstairs .

I got her bag ready and we left out the house . I put her in her car seat and buckled her in before I got in myself . I started the ignition before hooking my phone up to the Bluetooth .

"Mommy about to spend some money on you ." I said to her and she giggled . As we drove to the mall , my music played lowly through the speakers as we tried saying our abc's and our counting numbers .

We then pulled up to the mall and I got out before grabbing her bag . I opened the trunk of the truck before grabbing her stroller out . It was so much space in this truck because it was so huge .

I fixed her stroller before getting her out . She began crying and i sighed before rocking her . I closed the door and the trunk before I grabbed her a juice box . I gave it to her and she stopped crying .

"We'll get some food when we get inside ." I said as I strapped her in her stroller . I walked inside the mall and many men stared at me . It was really uncomfortable but I mean what I was wearing was gonna fasho catch men and women's eyes .

 It was really uncomfortable but I mean what I was wearing was gonna fasho catch men and women's eyes

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I pushed Nova around as we went into some stores . We stopped in Gucci and I was looking for Nova some stuff .

"You like this ?" I asked Nova holding up a shirt but she just stared at me .

I chuckled to myself before pushing her around Gucci and looking at more stuff .

"Stop Kairo . Pierre handle my lightweight please ." I heard and I instantly recognized that voice . I looked over my shoulder before seeing Riley, Jayla, Pierre and Kairo . I don't know why I became nervous but maybe because I thought they hated me .

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