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"Daddy look at this!" I slammed the paper down onto my fathers desk. He looked up at me before he looked down at the paper before reading it.

"Found you?" He questioned and I crossed my arms.

"He found me daddy. What am I gonna do?" I asked him and he clenched his jaw.

"I swear to god. If he touches you!" My father said in a solemn tone.

I sat down in the chair before he walked out. I rested my head in my hands. All this shit was going on and i was bringing a child into this. This was not right. Now my father was gonna have guards everywhere. My dad walked back in and he sat down in his chair.

"I have some of my men outside your condo. If you need anything just call me. I'm going to take care of it." He said and i nodded. I stood to my feet about to leave until Pierre crossed my mind. I turned on my heels before walking back towards him.

"Daddy, are you still in contact with officer Morris?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Yes, why?" He asked.

"Well, Benji's brother is in jail and he might be doing some serious time. His name is Pierre and he's like my big baby and I don't want him going to prison for the rest of his life." I said and he sighed.

"I got you Amor." He said and I smiled before hugging him and walking out his office to Tae's truck. I got in even though I was having a fucking hard time.

"You need to tell baby daddy." Tae said and I sighed before looking at the time as it read 7:32pm.

"Yeah but he's at the warehouse. I'll text him and tell him to stop by." I said and he pulled off to my house. Once we got there, I saw the truck so I knew that was my dads men.

We got out and walked to my door. I unlocked it before walking in and closing the door behind me. I don't know why my Uncle Pablo choose to fuck with me.

Let's just hope this shit could be all over. I walked to the freezer before taking out some Oreo ice cream. I sat on the couch beside Tae as he ran his hands through my head and it felt so good.


I was chilling in my office of the new warehouse smoking a blunt . So much shit was going through my mind and this shit just stressed a nigga out . I couldn't keep doing this drug dealing shit for long . AND THEN , I was bringing a child into the world .

I didn't want to put my child or Miko in danger anymore so this shit here , I was gonna have to give up . Walking out the room , I got in my truck before calling up someone I needed ASAP to help me with the building I bought a few weeks ago . I drove to the building before waiting patiently on her . I took my phone out before FaceTiming Miko .

She answered the phone laying on somebody lap .

"Amiko who over there ?" I asked and she giggled like some shit was funny .

"Just Tae boy damn ." She said .

"Okay well I was just calling to check up on you . You need anything ?" I asked .

"You can bring me some hot wings . 10 piece please ." She said and I chuckled to myself .

"Ight ." I said .

"Where you at ?" She asked .

"At this building about to meet up with a old friend ." I said and she mugged me .

"Nigga or bitch ?" She asked and i laughed .

"It's a girl miko . We strictly friends , she like a sister to me ." I said truthfully and she rolled her eyes .

"Mmhm . Better be ." She said .

"And if she not ?" I joked .

"Benji don't fucking play wit me ." She said and I laughed . I saw her pull up and I knew how she was . She was always in a rush .

"Ight . Imma call you back ." I said .

"She must be there . Let me meet her ." Miko said and I smacked my lips .

"You'll meet her at the gender reveal ." I said .

"So she know about me ?" Miko asked .

"Yeah . Don't forget you all over my fucking Instagram now bye ." I said hanging up before she could say anything . I got out my car before walking up on Lani .

"Wassup sis ." I greeted her .

"Wassup Lil bro ." She smiled and i mugged her .

"Chill out ." I said .

"Where your girl ?" She asked .

"At home waiting on me to bring her some food ." I sighed .

"Well let's get this started because pregnant people do not play about their food ." She laughed and I joined in as well . We walked inside the large building before taking a look everywhere . We basically designed everything with our minds .

I knew my shit was gonna be legendary , I mean in Benjamin Rodriguez . We continued to walk around and she wrote things on her notepad . My phone buzzed in my hands letting me know that I had got a message .

AmikoG💛: you fucking playing with me ! Bring me my fucking food😒 ! Thanks baby 😘 .

Those pregnancy symptoms something else . I'll be glad when all this shit over with , with her uncle and shit . We finally made it back outside to the front .

"Thanks Lani ." I said as I hugged her .

"No problem . And tell Roman to call me . I know y'all got back in contact ." She smirked and I laughed before shaking my head .

"And how did you know that ?" I asked .

"Um Instagram duh . And tell wifey at home I said hi ." Lani said and I nodded as I got in my car . I pulled off to get Miko's food before going to her crib .

Once I got there , I grabbed my phone, keys and her bag of food before walking inside her building and going up the elevator . Getting off on her floor , I made my way to her door before knocking and patiently waiting on her to open it .

Let's just say , I still don't really like her moving into her own place but "miss independent" wanted to do her own thang and I don't blame her for that . The door opened and Amiko smiled before grabbing the food out my hand . I shook my head as I closed the door . I knew after I left I had to take the kids something to eat so I couldn't be here all night .

"So how was it ? You ain't got no passion marks do you ?" She asked as she almost broke my neck trying to look at it . I smacked her hands away before mugging her .

"Girl if you don't move yo ass . I told you she like a sister to me ." I spoke and she nodded .

She took her food out before stuffing her face .

"Slow down or you gon choke my baby ." I said rubbing her stomach .

"Boy shut the fuck up ." She said . I washed my hands before grabbing me a cup , filling it up with ice and getting some water . I walked to the counter before my eyes trailed to her . She looked like she had something on her mind . The way she was looking , I know she was debating on telling me or not .

"What is it ." I asked and she looked at me before shaking her head .

"Nothing ." I know she lied straight through her teeth .

"Miko don't make me choke you out ." I said adamantly .

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