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"Come on baby , daddy's on his way to get you

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"Come on baby , daddy's on his way to get you ." I said as I put her clothes on . I had just took her out the tub and fed her . I had put all her things in her bag and now I was putting on her clothes .

I thought coming down here was gonna be hard because of Benji . I know the way I left wasn't good and we haven't even talked about it but eventually we was . 

I put Nova in a onesie since the temperature drops at night . I let her run around until Benji came . My phone began ringing and it was Milan .

"Where's Nova ." She said my mugging me and I hung up . I sat my phone on the couch and Nova grabbed it . Milan began calling and Nova answered it .

"Hey baby !" Milan squealed .

I heard the sound when you end a facetime call and I knew Nova did that . I laughed before shaking my head . I picked her up before walking in the kitchen and grabbing her a juice box .

"Don't waste it ." I said as I heard a knock on the door . I grabbed my phone before going to my app I got for my doorbell . I looked at the camera and seen Benji .

Walking to the door , I opened it and once he seen Nova , his eyes lit up .

"Wassup mamas ." He smiled as he took her out my arms .

"You can come in . I'm just gonna go grab her bag ." I said and I walked upstairs to Nova's room to grab it . Jogging back down the stairs , I handed it to him .

"Thanks ." He said and i nodded .

"Benji , don't let fiancé hurt or touch my baby ." I said sternly and he raised a brow .

"I'm serious ." I said and he sighed .

"What she do ?" He asked .

"First of all , she got a smart ass mouth and feel as if she can talk to me any kind of way because I'm baby motha and two , it's something about her ." I said with a shrug .

"Yeah okay ." He said and i mugged him .

"Benji I'm not playing . I don't like her ." I said .

"I said okay Miko damn ." He said and I sucked my teeth . I grabbed my keys before walking in the garage to my truck . Taking her car seat out , I closed the door back before walking in the house .

"Come on . And don't yell at me no more ." I said as I walked out to his truck and put her car seat in . I strapped it down before he put her in . I stood back with my arms crossed .

"Bye Amiko ." He said as he got in his car .

"Bye Benjamin ." I said as I walked in the house and closed the door .

His ass still get on my fucking nerves . My phone dinged with a message . Checking it , I smiled .

Unknown: Wassup ma , this Mali


I pulled up to my Aunts crib before getting out

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I pulled up to my Aunts crib before getting out . I grabbed Nova out and walked to the doorstep . I knocked on the door then Nova tried Knocking .

I still couldn't believe that I had a child . This shit was crazy but it only builds me up to be a better man . The door opened revealing my aunt .

"Hey ." She said as she walked in the kitchen .

"Who baby ? She's so pretty !" My aunt said as she took Nova out my arms .

"Mines ." I said with a shrug and she almost broke her neck looking at me .

"I know you and Ivy ain't go and adopt no damn baby ." She said and I laughed .

"No auntie ." I said as I laughed at her joke . I'm most definitely fertile .

"I only got one person pregnant ." I said and she covered baby Nova's ears .

"MIKO!" She screamed and I shook my head as she held Nova up .

"Awnn , y'all created a beautiful princess ! What's her name ?" She asked .

"Nova ." I said and she smiled at me .

"I should've known . But I mean the full name nigga ." She said .

"Nova Kay'Lani Rodriguez ." I said as Nova looked at me .

"Where is Miko ?" My aunt asked .

"At her house ." I said with a shrug .

"Y'all need to talk . For real ." She said and I waved her off and she smacked my hand .

"I'm serious Benji . Hear her out and give me her number so I can cuss her ass out for not coming to see me . Your mommy gonna get a ass whoopin ." She cooed to Nova .

"Thank god , I though you and Ivy done adopted a child then you really had to keep her around ." She said and i smacked my lips .

"Auntie stop that . Ivy is my girl whether you like it or not ." I said .

"Okay , don't get mad when I say I told you so because she up to something ." She said as Nova started reaching for me .

"You leaving tt ?" She asked and Nova looked at her before resting in her arms again . I chuckled as I stared at her . She looked like me and a mix of Miko . We did create something beautiful though .

"So when you gon talk to her ?" My aunt asked .

"Alright I'm finna go . You keep talking about her ." I said grabbing Nova .

"Tell her bye ." I said and Nova tried waving .

"Benji get yo ass smacked . I'm just tryna tell you whose right for you and I believe it's Miko . You even know yourself that she makes you more happy then Ivy ." She said and I waved .

"Bye Auntie , love you ." I said as I walked to my truck . Did I deny what she said ?

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