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I was sitting in the car outside Aunt Tommie's house just letting my mind take over me . I was in very deep thought and it was about Benji .

I really did miss being with him but I guess things change . I mean , he's about to get "married" and here I am . Benji is my everything and he's just gone from me . He still has an effect on me and the shit is crazy . I try taking him off my mind , I'm trying to move on but I just don't get far with him on my mind .

For one , I know Ivy ass can't compete with me . But it's just something about her . I think I just might have to play my role as baby momma and fall back . I got out my truck before grabbing my phone . I checked the time as it read 6:21 pm . I knew I had to go home and change before Benji be on my ass for being late .

Walking inside , I spotted Aunt Tommie . I walked over as she was putting the icing on the second cake she made today .

"Aunt tommie , I have something to take care of so if you don't mind , can Nova stay over for the night ?" I asked .

"Yes . She can stay whenever ." She said and I smiled as I hugged her goodbye . Walking out , I saw Nova sleeping on Benji's chest .

"I'm going to the house . I'll see you ." I said to Benji as I kissed Nova's cheek . I felt somebody burning a hole in my back . Turning around , it was Ivy . I gave her a middle finger before I heard Benji smack his lips .

"Alright . Nova's bag is right there ." I said walking out the house . I walked to my truck before getting in . Starting the ignition , I hooked my phone up to the Bluetooth before I Bet by Ciara played .

Driving home , I called Tae so he could do my hair for tonight . Why me and Benji was doing wasn't nothing serious . It was just business that he needed somebody to handle with him and he came to me .

Pulling up outside my house , I grabbed my purse before walking through the door to see Tae setting up . I jogged upstairs to take a shower and changed into something comfortable before walking back downstairs to sit in the chair . He got started on my hair and we just played music on the speaker and we talked .

After a while , he finished and I went upstairs to change .

"So what y'all finna do ?" He asked as I put on my outfit .

"He just want me to help him handle business that's all . You know I'm down for anything ." I said with a shrug and Tae laughed at me .

"I'm glad y'all are getting along . Although , I do miss y'all toxic ass together ." Tae said and I laughed .

"I know but we just have to move on ." I said with a shrug as I put on my red fur coat .

"Bitch you look good ." He smiled as I started twerking as he smacked my ass . I brushed through my hair before putting on my jewelry and shoes .

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