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"Here , eat this ." I said as I fed Nova .

I heard the door open and close and Ivy walked in . She looked off , not her normal self . I looked down at Nova seeing her putting some of the pasta Aunt tommie made in her mouth .

"Pierre come get Nova ." I said and Pierre walked in before pushing her highchair in the living room .

"Hey baby ." Ivy said as she walked up to me .

"Wassup ." I said as she tried hugging me but I pushed her away .

"What's wrong ? Why you won't hug me ?" She asked .

"Because one , you look fucked up like you on something and two , where you been ?" I asked .

"Out with Iyanna . That's all ." She said and i nodded .

"I got a question ." I spoke and she nodded before sitting her purse on the counter .

"What Iyanna do ? Like work wise ." I asked out of curiosity .

"Uh , um ." She said looking at me nervously .

"She's a model for this new upcoming agency ." She spoke and I know she was lying .

"Why you lying ?" I asked .

"I'm not lying baby now come and give me a hug she said tugging on my shirt .

"Back up Ivy . I'm not playing with you . Yo ass look like you on something ." I said and she groaned .

"I'm not . Let's go upstairs ." She smirked and I shook my head .

"Ivy you working for Biggs ?" I asked and she stared at me , frightened .

"W-What makes you say that ?" She asked .

"Well before he died , he said Iyanna's name in the conversation that was held and I know if Iyanna doing it , you doing it . If she making money off it and you don't got no job but still find ways to get some of this expensive shit , it only makes me think you working with the nigga ." I said and she scratched her head .

"Benji I don't know what your talking about . Your trippin . And I know you ain't have no conversation with him and nobody else on your team did so who did ?" She asked and i rolled my eyes .

"Does it matter ?" I asked and she nodded .

"Yeah it does matter . And if Biggs died at your club that night and you and Miko was there together , I know it had to be her . So she telling you this ?" She asked and I frowned .

"How did you now he died at my club ?" I questioned her .

"Word got around on the street . Benji , I'm not working with Biggs . Trust me ." She said and i stared at her .

"Ight . I trust you ." I said . She smiled before giving me a hug . I grabbed my phone before walking outside and dialing Miko's number . It ranges before she answered .

"Benji I'm at work . Wassup ?" She asked .

"I need you to do me a favor ."


I woke up to knocking on my door . I groaned loudly before looking at the time on my phone as it read 10:56 am . I took the covers off me before slipping on my slippers and walking out the room .

Jogging down the stairs , I looked at the camera on my phone and seen Milan . Opening the door , she walked passed me .

 Opening the door , she walked passed me

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