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Credits to: thot hours: open 24/7 (rivendell101.tumblr.com)

Sweet Pea returns home from training with FP and Tom Keller and finds Jubilee exactly where he expects: curled up on his bed with a book in her lap, one of his old flannels slipping from her shoulders. She glances up as Sweet Pea shuts the door behind him, flashing him a quick smile before turning back to her book. Jubilee's eyes jump back to him just as quickly, her lips parting slightly.

"What?" Sweet Pea asks, noticing the look on her face. She shakes her head, setting her book aside and reaching out for him. He rolls his eyes and a smile pulls at his mouth as he lets her pull him down onto the bed beside her. "Jubilee, what?" he repeats, trying not to laugh as she gives him a long, appraising look.

Book abandoned and eyes lingering on his torso, Jubilee straddles his lap easily. His hands settle on her hips, holding her steady as she fiddles with the collar of his jacket, and a little hum pulls from his throat as her familiar weight presses against him. "You know how some girls are really turned on by guys in uniforms?" she murmurs in his ear, lips brushing against his cheek teasingly.

"Yeah." Sweet Pea's hand slips beneath the hem of her shirt, fingertips pattering against her spine.

She smiles against him, pressing her chest closer to his, grip tightening on his police issued trainee jacket. "I think I might be one of them." He laughs as she kisses his cheek, arms banding tight around her waist to pull her flush to him.

Sweet Pea sighs as her fingers tease his neck just above the collar of his shirt, tickling him. "You like the jacket?" One of his hands drops to her exposed thigh. His thumb traces slow circles against her skin and she sinks into him. Jubilee hums her agreement, working chaste kisses along his jaw.

"Not as much as the leather one," she admits. His lips twitch into a smile that's smothered by her mouth on his a moment later. Jubilee's fingers fist in the collar of his coat and his hand comes up to cradle the back of her neck, holding her there as he kisses her back. As his free hand creeps up her back Jubilee shivers, her own arms looping around his neck loosely. They pull away from each other slowly, only moving back to breathe, and Jubilee snags another kiss from him before he can go far.

It makes something swell and burst inside of his chest as she curls up against his front, legs tight on either side of his hips and her hands smoothing his hair away from his eyes. There's a little smile on her face that he's grown so familiar with in his time with her. It isn't much, a quirk of the lips, just a little thing, but it feels like home when she looks at him like that. The tips of her fingers trail across his cheek and he leans into her touch.

"What's with that face?" she teases when she sees the gentle look in his eyes. Jubilee steals another quick kiss from him before he can answer and Sweet Pea chuckles, squeezing her hips.

For a while he simply stares at her after she's pulled away. Jubilee's head cocks to one side as she waits, her eyes narrowing just a tick in thought. Finally, Sweet Pea shakes his head and draws her back down to him, resting his forehead against hers and breathing her in. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," he tells her softly, squeezing her hip gently as her hands cup his face, holding him close. "Training today," he continues before she can say anything. "I... if it'd been real I'd be dead." She goes rigid above him and Sweet Pea wets his lips. "Jubilee, I—"

She cuts him off with a harsh kiss. It's sloppy and rushed and her fingers tug almost painfully hard at his hair as her lips meet his in a bruising kiss. The low, throaty sound that spills out of him is smothered and Jubilee nips at his lower lip. She pulls away from him just as quickly, dropping her head back to rest against his, their breathes mingling as she rakes her fingers through his hair.

"I know," she murmurs, lips brushing against his she's so close. "I know."

Credits to: thot hours: open 24/7 (rivendell101.tumblr.com)

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