Sweet Pea x reader.❤️ Far from you | army AU

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Credits to: sweetpeapolaroids

Summary: Sweet Pea and the reader exchanging their last letters before Sweet Pea comes home from getting deployed at a military base

"My Dear love,

This week as been really rough. The things I've seen, I don't think I'll ever be able to forget them. I wish I could tell you where I am right now. But don't worry, I'm okay and i'm safe for now. I'll be home in less than a month baby. I miss you so damn much. I'd give anything to hold you into my arms right now. I keep your picture in my suit, next to my heart. I feel like It's the only thing that's keeping me sane. When I feel scared, nervous or i'm just thinking that I'm not going to make it, I look at your picture. I feel like I already know it by heart. Your bright smile, your warm skin and your soft hair. I hope everything is going well back home for you. I received Fangs' and Toni's letter a few days ago and I just couldn't wait for yours. I was training with the boys when I received it. I had to drop everything and read it. I could hear your voice in my head as I read. God I miss hearing your voice.. I always read all of your letters every night. I can't fall asleep if I don't. I always try not to cry but I can't help it, I've stained the paper a few times. I can't wait to see you. I love you so much, it breaks my heart to be away from you. I'll see you very soon kitten.

Your one and only,

Sweet Pea. "


"My dear Sweet Pea,

I stop by the Southside post office everyday to check the mail box, waiting for your letters. I can't keep you off my mind. As much as I want to hope for the best, I'm still scared. I want you to come back in one piece. I hope you're safe where you are and that you're not too scared. Please be careful. I love you and I miss you so much. Every night, I sleep with your shirt on, a pillow next to me, hoping I can convince my mind that your next to me. The trailer feels empty without you. When you'll be back, I think I won't be able to let you go. I can't to hug you and kiss you and run my fingers through your hair. You must feel so lonely where you are. I wish I was with you. I wish I could make you laugh, sing to you and give you massages after your long and hard days. I sprayed this letter with my perfume. I don't know if it still going to smell like me once you'll be able to hold it in your hands but I hope it does. I want you to have a memory of me with you. I miss you so much. I wish I could hear your voice right now. I'll see you soon. Stay safe baby.

With love,

Your little kitten"


Sweet Pea POV

I was in the plane heading home, not being able to stop my knee from shaking. Leaving the military base took a weight off my shoulders. I couldn't wait to hug her. It had been months since we had last seen each other, only being able to talk through letters. I held her picture into my hand. It was all beat up and folded from being on the war grounds. I took out my army tags from the inside of my shirt and proudly looked at them. I made a choice that it was going to be my last time getting deployed. I wanted to start a family with the girl I loved and I didn't want our kids to grow up without a father. I smiled thinking of her and our future. God I couldn't wait to finally hold her into my arms.

Reader POV

I was siting at the airport with the other families of the military. I was bitting my lips and shaking my leg nervously. He could be here any minute, I thought to myself. So many days, weeks and months not being able to tell him about my day, not being able to kiss him, not being able to hold him and tell him that it was all gonna be okay. I started to hear people cheer and clap their hands. They were here. I stood up and tried to see through the crowd. Sweet Pea wouldn't be hard to miss considering his height. I stood on a chair so I coyld be taller than everyone and scanned the men and women that were dressed in their military uniforms. And then I saw him. He was nervously looking around, trying to find his small girlfriend in the mass. His shoulders were broader and his arms more built, he had a slight tan to his face and neck. He looked exhausted and anxious. I stepped down the chair and ran to him, feeling like my heart was gonna jump out of my body. Once our eyes met, he opened up his arms and I held me tighter than he ever did. Its like we were alone in that room. He burried his face into my neck, his fingers tangled in my hair behind my head. Silent tears ran down my face as I felt his heart beat against my chest. He was there, finally.

"I love you." I managed to say in his ear.

"I love you more."

He was quietly sobbing, not realising I was here. It was so hard for him to be away from home and alone in that dangerous place. He pulled his face away from my neck and hed onto my cheeks, looking at all my features as if he had forgotten what his lover looked like. He stared right into my eyes, tears running down his tanned cheeks. I caressed my fingers against his skin, making him shiver. It had been so long since someone had touched him in such a delicate way. He was fragile. On the outside, but more so on the inside.

"I can't believe i'm seeing you right now.." He breathed, his hands on my waist.

"I missed you so much."


That night, Sweet Pea didn't sleep a lot. He stayed awake, savouring every second of laying next to the love of his life. His bruised and scarred hands brushing against her soft skin, only both of their heart beats breaking the silence.

Credits to: sweetpeapolaroids

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