can't do this anymore

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Credits to: stevie. (

What you and Sweet Pea had wasn't traditional. It wasn't official. It was casual and carefree. It helped you get your mind off things that were happening around you and it also helped Sweet Pea. Things with the Serpents were messed up and he was stressed and worried so the two of you confided in each other. But of course, he wanted more while the you wanted exactly what the two of you had currently. You didn't want to add more stress to either of you. You knew how stressful relationships can be regardless of how good you think or say it is and you didn't want the easygoing relationship you currently had to become a giant mess like everything else around you.

You were talking over the next big party that was happening at the speakeasy with Veronica. You usually helped her plan everything as she was your closest friend and you, hers.

"I'm assuming Sweet Pea will be your date then?" she asked.

"I'll have to ask him, but i don't see why not." you shrugged your shoulders as the two of you went over themes and the food and music.

Once you finished up with Veronica, you headed straight for Tent City to ask Sweet Pea if he wanted to go with you. Sure he was most likely going, but as one of the hosts, you couldn't be dateless.

"Hey, Pea." you knocked on the door frame as you walked into the community trailer that the teens used as a bit of a hangout.

'y/n," he said with a slight shock to his voice as he sat up, "what're you doing here?" he asked.

"I actually came to ask if you would go with me to this party at the Speakeasy this weekend?"

"As your boyfriend?" he said hopefully.

"Does it have to be so official?" you asked wincing slightly at his tone. You heard Sweet Pea let out a sigh as he sat the book down that he was reading.

'Look, y/n. I'd go all in with you in a second. But you sliding into my life whenever you don't wanna be alone, i'm not built that way. And maybe that makes me needy, but i just - i gotta get off this merry-go-round with you." he seemed a relieved to have gotten all of that off his chest finally. You wondered how long he's been keeping this in.

"I understand, Pea. and i'm sorry i made you feel that way." you whispered. You were completely taken back by what he said. You were surprised at how much his words affected you but here you were, holding back tears as you stood there getting broken up with without being officially together. You didn't wait for him to say anything, you just turned around and walked out of the trailer and headed home.

As you walked home, you thought about what Sweet Pea had said. You did go to him whenever you felt alone. He was your rock. The one person you knew you could trust with anything and everything. The one person who made you feel worth it and like you mattered. What you didn't think about was that it possibly made Sweet Pea feel used. That hurt you. You didn't want him to feel any negative way about the situation between the two of you. You thought that it was mutual, but Sweet Pea caught feelings. And now that you're thinking through everything, maybe you had too.

The rest of the night you spent sitting at your desk, writing and rewriting everything you wanted to say to Sweet Pea and confessing your newly found feelings for him. You expressed how much he meant to you, even if it did take this long for you to realize. You felt stupid for not noticing it before, but the reason you kept finding yourself calling for Sweet Pea was because he was the only one who made everything better. He was the one you wanted in those situations and that right there was when you finally allowed yourself to feel.

You made a point to go over to Tent City the next morning and talk everything out with Sweet Pea. You wanted to air everything out and if he still wanted you, then you would confess that you had come to the conclusion that you caught feelings too. You needed to tell him. He deserved to know.

"Have you seen Sweet Pea?" you asked one of the Serpents that was sitting around the makeshift fire pit. The guy nodded towards the trailer you found him in last night and you made your way over.

When you walked in, you found him joking around with Fangs. The two of them were wrestling and Fangs fell over making you laugh. Both boys froze and turned around, not expecting anyone to be there.

"Hi, um can we talk? Please." you asked making eye contact with Sweet Pea. He nodded and followed you out, deciding to just take a walk to talk.

"So what did you want to talk about?' he asked after a minute or so of walking, making sure you weren't in earshot of Tent City anymore.

"I um, thought about what you said last night and it made me realize something. But you know i'm terrible with words and expressing myself because i truly don't know how so i wrote it down." you rambled. You pulled the note out of your pocket and handed it to him. He took it from you, opening it immediately and began reading.

You felt yourself growing more and more nervous as he read your letter. You felt like you were in To All the Boys I've Loved Before. Now you know exactly how Lara Jean felt. It felt like an eternity went by until he was finished reading and folding the letter back up.

"I want to hear you say it out loud." he said.

"The whole thing?" you asked. There was literal sweat dripping from your palms as you waited for him to respond. You heard him let out a soft breathy laugh.

"No, i'm not going to make you recite the whole letter to me. That would be mean. I just want to hear you say one part out loud." he replied.

"The part about me realizing my feelings for you?" you asked looking up at him as he stopped walking. Sweet Pea nodded, trying his best to keep the giant smile from spreading across his face.

"I, y/f/n, have feelings for you, Sweet Pea. and i am an idiot for not realizing it sooner." you said making intense eye contact with him. You were proud of yourself for having the courage to say that to his face, while making eye contact with him.

"Fucking finally." he breathed throwing his head back.

"So, now what?" you asked awkwardly looking down at your feet.

"You're adorable." he chuckled. He took his hands out of his pockets and cupped your cheeks making you look up at him once again. He smiled as he leaned in, "Wait, so does this mean i can be your boyfriend now?" he asked, pulling his head back slightly.

"As long as i get to be your girlfriend." you beamed.

Credits to: stevie. (

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