Bitter Love - Part 2/3

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Credits to: In Your Wildest Dreams (

Chapter 2: Forgotten Love

You blink in an attempt to clear the fog from your head. You sit up slowly on the plush bed you are lying on, and gaze around the room. It's mostly painted white wood with gold and blue accents. You look down and notice that your shoes are on the ground. You stand up and put your shoes on trying to figure out what happened. You remember the bank robbery, and driving to Sweet Pea's mansion... It was daylight... but now it's dark... you were talking... he gave you wine...

"That bastard."

Standing up you walk briskly to the door, well as briskly as you can with a headache, and try the handle. You are relieved when it opens and you stomp out into the hallway and grumble under your breath about the audacity of some people. You don't pay much attention as you stomp down the hallway opening random doors.

"That's a closet!"

And slamming them shut before you move on to your next victim. You come to a set of spiral grand stairs and walk down them noticing windows in a circular pattern on the wall. You pause for a moment and notice the thick foliage outside of the window before you continue down to the floor below.

Walking into a room where a couple of arm chairs sit before a fireplace you notice a head poking up from one of the chairs.

"So you're awake," he murmur in his husky voice as he glances over his shoulder at you.

"Sweet Pea!" you practically shriek at him, "What the actual fuck!"

"Calm down... it was necessary."

"Necessary?! Drugging me was Necessary?!"

"Yes," he says turning to face you fully, "I needed to move you and dispose of your car as quickly as possible, I knew you would require an explanation before you allowed me to get you to safety and we didn't have time for that."

"Safety? Your mansion wasn't safe?"

"Not safe enough," he says ominously as he motions to the chair beside.

"Are you hungry?"

"No," you say definitely as you cross your arms.

He rolls his eyes, "When was the last time you ate?"

"Before I was drugged."

"Do you still like-"

"You drugged me, so I will decide what I'm eating."

He smirks at you but holds his hands up in a surrender position, "What would you like?"

"A burger."


"Of course."

He nods before he gets up and walks away for a moment. He comes back a minute later and hands you a bottle of water.

"Never been opened, a sign of good faith."

"Are you going to explain what in the world is going on now?"

"They threatened you."

"It didn't look like it..."

"It was. You are on something called The White List. People in the underground put the names of their loved ones on there as a means of protection. The list is entirely anonymous and completely secret. Mere bank robbers would not have access to the list, they would not know my name, and would not know who you are associated with even if they had seen the list. The fact that they not only knew who you were, but that you are associated with me is dangerous and the fact they called me by name just solidifies the threat. They wanted you to contact me, they wanted me to know they know who you are and how you know me. They wanted my attention."

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