The One Where Reggie Loses the Babies

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Credits: lost in my mind (

Summary: When it's obvious that new parents Sweet Pea and Jubilee need a night out, Reggie volunteers himself and his wife Lydia to babysit. Everything's going just fine until Fangs decides that they're not very good babysitters, and he needs to step in and make things right. Chaos ensues when no one knows what's going on or where the babies are. All they know for certain is that Sweet Pea is furious, and they need to find the babies before he gets home.

Inspired by the subplot of episode 9x14 of Friends: The One with the Blind Dates

Reggie burst through the door of the apartment, a grocery bag in each hand and a huge smile on his face. "Babe, you'll never guess what plans I just made us for tonight!"

From her prone position on the couch, Lydia looked up at him, one eyebrow raised skeptically. Next to her, Vader was curled into a little ball, snoozing happily. "And what is that, Reg? Because I'm really content to stay on this couch and chill right now."

He laughed, setting down the groceries and getting to work unloading them. "Not quite—you definitely won't have to get dressed up, though."

Lydia dropped her head back on the throw pillow, shoving Vader out from under her shoulder. "Oh please, tell me," she droned. "The suspense is killing me."

Reggie rolled his eyes, walking over to the couch to lean over the back. "Actually, Lydia, we're babysitting."

"Babysitting?" Her eyes narrowed. "In what universe is that relaxing?"

"I never said it was relaxing," he countered, leaning in to kiss her on the forehead. "You said that. I just said you won't have to get dressed up."

"Yeah, because I'll be covered in baby puke."

He sighed, brushing her messy hair off her face as his eyes narrowed in concern. "I can say no, babe, if it's going to be too much with—"

"No, no, no," Lydia groaned, sitting up and pulling the dog onto her lap. "It'll be fine, good actually, and Lord knows Jubilee and Sweet Pea could use a night out." She quirked her eyebrow. "I assume you meant Weylin and Enid, right?"

"Do we know any other babies?"

She shrugged. "No, but I wouldn't put it past you to offer us up to some stranger just to get your baby fix in."

Laughing, Reggie stood up, returning to the kitchen to finish putting away the groceries. "No, I did not offer us up to some stranger," he said, mimicking her. "I ran into Sweet Pea at the store, and the poor guy nearly killed a stock boy because they were out of the right brand of toilet paper. I figured they could use a night off." He grinned, trying not to laugh. "And hey, maybe being around some babies will—uh—get things moving for us, you know."

Lydia's eyes narrowed. "I'm pretty sure that's not how fertility treatment works, Reggie."

"Hey, you never know, babe. I was just reading this article about—"

"Please, no," she begged, falling back on the couch with a melodramatic sigh. "Please do not talk pseudo-science to me on a Friday night, Reg."

Laughing, he closed the last few cabinets and walked back into the living room. When he got to the couch, he looked down at Lydia expectantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What?" she asked, grinning mischievously as she stretched her arms above her head, letting out a contented yawn.

"You know what I want, babe."

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if I'm in the mood to share the couch with you right now."

He rolled his eyes, rolling up the sleeves on his button-down. "Oh really?"

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