ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

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alright..  this is the 2nd chapter y'all have been waiting for. It took me another 2 weeks?!! I just felt so unmotivated.

Have y'all recognize that I changed the title?? Lmao😂 Support me by smashing that vote button <3

☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆

Warning: Contains Bad Words


My head hurts.... I slowly open my eyes and yawned. I blink mindlessly and realize I was sleeping on a chair.
No wonder I didn't sleep very well. My eyes wander to the front and there I see, this skeleton looking back at me.

Wait... who is this guy?! Why am I sleeping on a chair again?! He looks at me rather confused. He didn't feel threatening though... he was bandage all over.

"Who are you???" I ask and he suddenly snorted. I look at him with a displease expression.

"You really are forgetful aren't you?" The black skeleton said and I rose a brow.

Realization hits me as I remeber I save this stranger from dying. No wonder I hid him in my secret room! Ah... I don't wanna remember that frog scene anymore. Disgusting...

"Ugh I'm not forgetful! My mind was just a bit fuzzy" I muttered as I lay back on the chair. I don't think I had enough sleep at all.

He started to laugh lightly... ugh he's gonna tease me about this again. I'm not that forgetful! It was just in a split moment because I just woke up. I glare at him because of that stupid grin he is having. I inspect his body and he seems to be doing well. I'm glad I have a spare bed and a small room. My bedroom was rather big and its almost like a small house.

I hid him at my 'not' so secret room. This small room inside my bed room is a spare room. Man.... that sounded kinda complicated. Well, this is where my mini library is and my spare bed. Its not like I would want to sleep with a stranger after all. Anyways... what time is it?! I didn't stay up that late didn't I?

I panicked as I quickly check the clock and it was 9. I sight as I realize that I still have more than half an hour to spare. I look back at the skeleton and notice he was wearing a bored expression. He's not able to walk at the moment and his magic is probably too exhausted.

He's getting very well fast in fact. I can sense that this guy has quick regeneration after all. Does all monster have that?? Who knows. I don't think Asriel or Dreemur family have this kind of thing. Usually, they need to eat in order to heal.

I didn't even give this guy food. Alright, I need to know his name and why the hell is he that injured?! What kind of war did this guys got himself into? Not to mention, how did he end up in my garden?? I slowly stood up and stretched my arms above. I'm ought to go soon. I gaze back at the skeleton who was looking at me intently.

"So what's your name, good sir? How did you get yourself in such mess?" I ask and he look down. He grip on the sheets as he seems to be angry. No kidding though, this guy seems strong. He was emitting negative energy that strong mages like me can sense. Er- I did sound a bit boastful there did I?
Anyways, his aura is so dark and scary. I still had issues if I should trust this person or not. The negative energy that was emitting him soon disappeared as he made a sight.

"Its nothing you should be so concerned of" He said as he pinch his nose in annoyance. I raise a brow, this guy seriously... Getting more mysterious as time goes by.

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