ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5

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Yo its Keira your bestfriend! Enjoy! I really don't have anything to say. I don't know why but that song reminded me of Nightmare😂 Its one of my fav songs too!


I just finished my training earlier since my instructor was in a hurry for some reasons. I sight heavily as I wipe the sweat from my forehead. A smile went on my face when I remember him. I don't know why but I'm getting more excited to go in my room. I get more excited just to see him.

I quickly ran upstairs to my room. I went into my room filled with clothes. I only keep my favorite clothes inside my room but the others are kept in here. I took a short bath and change into comfortable clothes. I don't have anything except this fancy sleepwear though. Its still comfortable but I'd prefer pants.

I walk my way into my room with excitement. I open the door and didn't even spare a second to jump at the skeleton.

"What the fu- Y/N I almost spilled the coffee at you" Night said with a mad tone at me. I laugh and continued to give him my warm embrace. He sight as he place the cup on the table.

"I miss youuu!" I said excitedly and wrap my arms around his chest. He sight and gently push me away. I ended up beside him on the couch.

"We literally saw each other this morning." He mumbled and I laugh.

"I don't know why, but I just miss you so much!" I grin and he raise a brow.

"Sure??" He said and I pout at him. What a reaction..

"Anyways, where did you get that coffee?" I ask as he seemingly smile a little.

"Stole it" He said casually and I look at him with disbelief.

"Where?" I ask and he simply look at me unfazed.

"In your kitchen." He mumble and continued sipping on his coffee.

"My maids didn't see you? Do you have god levels of sneaking or something." I said and he chuckle.

"Nah, they seem to be slacking off. I just walk in there and took it. They didn't even notice me" He said proudly and I laugh.

"Well its not considered stealing since its still my stuffs. Just don't mind them. There's nothing to do in here, so I get why they are slacking. I just want them to enjoy and relax." I said and he raise a brow.

"Well you sure are a kind master" He murmur as he place down the empty cup.

"Eh? I don't really consider myself as the master. They're just my friends" I said as I relax my head on his lap. I laugh when I saw him roll his eyes. I really do like sticking around Night.

"Are you taking a nap again? Why do you always have to torture me..." He grumbled and I made a grin.

"What do you mean torture? I'm not even doing anything to you! Other than showing you my love and affection hihi" I giggle and he gave me a neutral look of displeasure -__-.

"Psh..." He roll his eye and went back to read his book. I'm pretty much use to his mean and grumpy attitude.

"So did you just use my small kitchen in the 2nd floor? How did you even find it?" I ask while raising a brow.

"uhuh its literally labelled kitchen beside your room. What do you think of me? A kid?" He said and I sight at his salty response.

"Well— I never use it. I don't even know why its there. I can't even cook! My maids do it for me after all. Its so lonely upstairs! Its just my room, another room for my clothes, another bathroom, piano room, and some empty rooms. None of my maids even sleep upstairs!" I rant out and he nodded his head.

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