ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

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Heya! This book is gonna have 10-12 chapters I think. I wanted it to be short after all hahaha :3

 I wanted it to be short after all hahaha :3

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random pict of Nightmare cuz why not. Man...  I don't know the artist huhu. Found it in instagram :))


Ugh... what was I thinking? I continued walking because I was still embarass with the conversation we had. We should really go home before my father finds out I escape from ruby mansion. I continued walking mindlessly until I felt like I forgot something.

Night?? Oh dear, I must've left him. Now how the heck am I gonna find him in this crowd? I should calm down.... NO I CAN'T CALM DOWN. I CAN'T GO HOME! Not to mention he's not full recovered. I hope nothing happens to him...

"Night? Night?!" I start calling out as I try to find him from the crowd. I ran to the park we were just in and as expected he was not there. Where in the world is he?

I ran around and tried to find him. How could I lose him? Seriously. He's a noticeable monster, so I thought finding him might be easy. The problem is... he's short and I'm the same height as him. How am I gonna find him.... I don't know anyone to ask for help.

I can't trust anyone in here. I sight as I sat on a bench in the park. Maybe if I wait here... he'll find me eventually? I can't lose him... not like this. What if he left me for real?! He didn't want to owe me something or he's annoyed with me so he left?!

Ugh... I should stop overthinking. I trust him... he's my friend... right?

Nightmare's POV

Where did that girl run off to? I was just zoning out again that I didn't see where she went. Great... just great! I don't expect myself to go through that crowd of people, without anyone dying. Crowded places with humans is simply disgusting.

I groaned in annoyance and teleport to a high place where I could just spot her. I ended up on top of a tall building. Perfect, no humans lurking around in here. I quickly began searching for her in the crowd. I tried to spot her (hair color) hair in the crowd which is almost impossible. There's so many damn humans!

I felt someone approaching me from behind. Tentacles quickly came out from my back. Ready to stab anyone who comes in my way. I look back and glared at the person who was interrupting my search.

"Woah there Nightmare, no need to get so aggressive. We just came here to pick you up" My eyes widen when I saw the people in front of me. It was Dust and Killer. I almost forgot about my shithead members. My tentacles went back on my back as I realize it was just my friends.

"You didn't even notice us open a portal? Your senses are getting rusty, boss" Killer point out while giggling annoyingly. I rolled my eyes. I was concentrating finding her that I didn't even notice it.

"Killer, better watch what your saying or Nightmare is gonna snap your neck" Dust whispered loud enough for me to hear.

[I know Dust's name is Murder. I don't know man, I just got used to Dust. So I hope you guys won't mind]

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