ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6

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Enjoy  =)
also it was my birthday in July 9. Thank you for the greetings and the fanart. Sorry if the chapter is kinda late, I was very busy :((. I also binge watch the whole steven universe XD. I spent a lot of times on my ships too. Thank you for being patient! <3
Also warning!! Slight frans??


I keep up a fake smile as people around greet me. We slowly walk our way into the Dreemur's Castle. Its been a long time since I've been here, probably a year ago. We went into the main hall where the party should be held. My father glare at us, which meant that we must behave today.

We're not the type to cause troubles, he doesn't need to warn us. We arrived and my parents put up their fake facade. They act like they're the kindest people you'll meet but I'll say otherwise. I see the hall filled with noble monsters and humans. I even see that annoying spoiled brat that I wanted to avoid the most.

I stayed quiet and just flash out a few smiles to others. We were waiting for the family to arrive at the hall. I know they're probably preparing so everything would go smoothly.

The Dreemur family arrive. The people clap and some bow to show respect. My parents approach Queen Toriel and King Asgore. They had adult talks as the celebration started.My sister went to her best friends and I was left alone. Chara and Frisk finally arrived with their beautiful attires. Frisk was wearing a purple dress that reached until her feet and the same with Chara, but it was green.

A smile went on my face as I walk my way into them despite a lot of people are crowding them. Chara and Frisk had a displease expression as they were crowded by a bunch of nobles. A lot of people wanna marry my beautiful friends so no doubt.

They notice me waving at them. They excused themself and approach me.  Chara giggle as she held unto my other arm and Frisk held unto my other arm. I laugh at their way of bringing me to the table. I never get annoyed with their clingy self.

"Oh Y/N! We miss you so much. I mean two weeks not much but you know we love you a lot" Chara said as we sat on the table. Ignoring everyone's presence and enjoying this celebration. With them, at least i don't have to deal with those snobby nobles.

"We surely do, We're sorry for the things we taught you. I find it funny though, your family is so strict with those kind of things" Frisk smiled and open her eyes slowly. Her gold eyes almost made me blind, don't just smile like that!! You're so pretty!

We casually talk about what I did when I was grounded. I complain about my stupid family rules and they joke about it. These are the people I trust the most. Princess Chara and princess Frisk.

Chara Dreemur has short brown hair and beautiful ruby eyes. She rather has a sexy charisma about her. She is mean to some people and unimaginably scary when she's pissed off. She has a big heart though, she loves me and Frisk so much.

Frisk Dreemur has a slightly darker hair than Chara. She has beautiful gold eyes, but she always close her eyes all the time. Sometimes I wonder how she's able to see with that. She's very kind to everyone, well— too kind that it is bad for her. Chara taught her a lot though, which I wonder about her innocence sometimes.

They're both strong mages though. The monster kingdom have a lot of monsters who use magic too. Chara and Frisk are unbelievably strong. Their soul power are made of Determination. Chara specialize in sword fighting, and fire magic. Frisk specialize in using bows, and light magic.

They're both strong, maybe on the same level as me. They're not legitimate siblings, as they're adopted by the king and queen. They don't remember their birthdays as a child. The king and queen decided that the day they adopted them is their birthday. So that's why they both have the same birthday even though they're not twins.

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