chapter 14

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"Why do you keep running away from me?", Jaemin asked and I deadpanned at him

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"Why do you keep running away from me?", Jaemin asked and I deadpanned at him. "Well, I think you know the answer already"

"To be honest, I agree with her, the answer is quite obvious, Jaemin", Renjun said as Jaemin shot him a glare, leading him to raise his hands and shrug. "Let's make a deal"

"Why do you keep making deals for fuck sake", I cursed at him and folded my arms. He held my wrist tightly, but I didn't react which surprised him. "Because I can"

"Go on a date with me and I won't disturb you anymore", he offered by I quickly denied. "No, I'm making the deal this time"

"Top the mock exams for every subject you have. Make sure you are Top 1 and I'll give you that date you want", I offered with much confidence. I look at the others' reaction and their eyes just widened. Jaemin chuckled and stared at me. "How are you so confident that I can't?"

"Chenle told me you've always ranked last", I said. He won't be able to top it, which will end up with no date in the end. "It's a win-lose situation, I'll keep it that way"

"It sure is a win-lose situation", Haechan sighed.

"Alright, I'll accept the deal", Jaemin said. "I want the date to be the day after the results. I want it to be the whole day"

"Stop wishing", I told him and made him let go of my wrist. "I need to go back now, let's just see each other on the day of the results"

I walked out of the room, happy that it didn't go the way I imagined it to be. I then realized something.

"Shit, the keys", I cursed and made my way to my next class. "I'm really dead meat"

"What happened? I heard from Mark that the Ridin' members talked to you", Chenle asked me as I groaned, not wanting to remember. "I made a deal"

"What deal?", Harvey asked. I looked around the club room. "If he tops all of his mock exams, I'll go on a date with him"

"Wait, what the actual fuck?", Mark questioned. "Just to remind you, you're in DNYL. You might have forgotten"

"I haven't. It's impossible, Chenle says that he always ranks the lowest in tests", I said. Chenle nodded. "I'm classmates with him for a few subjects. He gets the lowest of scores"

"Also, Mark, I haven't seen all of you heartbroken yet", I said bluntly. They looked at me and stared. "We haven't seen you heartbroken either"

"Look, Sera, we've been in this club longer than you. We've seen each other at our lowest", Harvey explained. "When Chenle joined, he kept crying. Jisung kept on blaming himself. I had to help them, with Mark"

I eyed Jisung who was looking down, fiddling with his fingers. He was constantly sighing. Chenle was biting his bottom lip while everyone went silent. I felt like I made everything worse.

"I was someone else's rebound", I said and all their eyes shot up at me, shocked. "I liked this guy during high school, he was really sweet when I was with him. I confessed and he also confessed"

"So you guys became a thing?", Jisung lowly asked, biting the side of his cheek afterwards. I shook my head. "No"

"But you said he confessed?", Chenle questioned and I nodded my head. "He confessed that he used me to get over his ex. He immediately went back after I confessed, because his ex was the only girl friend I had"

"I'm sorry, Sera. I'm sorry I thought you joined this club for nothing", Harvey apologized and I shook my head. "I should be sorry for not saying it in the first place"

"That's why you don't have any girl friends", Mark said and I nodded. "So that I won't be able to say that I got rejected because he liked my best friend"

"You know, you have us", Chenle said. He patted her shoulder. "Anyways, what's the name of the guy so that I can track him down and bury him for you. Who's joining me?"

"My brother scared him off, don't worry Lele", I assured him. Jisung furrowed his eyebrows. "But still give us his name"

"Fine, Hwang Hyunjin"

"He used to go to my high school", Chenle said. "Wait, then you attended my high school!!"

"Surprise, surprise?", I chuckled. Chenle gasped and remained in shock. "Don't tell me you're a stalker"

"Damn, Chenle, I still remember when you tripped in front of everyone when you were singing on that one school assembly", I told everyone and he was starting to get red. "Don't say that! It's too much information"

"Then how did Chenle not notice you, Sera?", Jisung asked. I shrugged. "I spent my time in the radio room"

"Wait, you're one of members of radio club back then?", Chenle questioned and I nodded. "Then why didn't you join the Love Talk club or Dream Launch club? Those are the two radio clubs in our college"

"Rather not", I replied, not wanting to gain attention like Jaehyun told me to. "Anyways, my brother should be picking me up any time now"

"I'll drop you off, Sera", Jisung said as he stood up from his chair. "No thanks, Sung, I'll go by myself"

"Alright, stay safe", Mark said. Harvey waved his hand as I walked out of the room.

"Over here", I see Jaehyun say as I made eye contact with him. I hopped into the car that was parked in the parking lot of a nearby restaurant. "What took you so long?"

"Just finished a meeting with the DNYL club, why? Do you have somewhere to be after this?", I asked and he shook his head. "Just asking"

There was a moment of silence as Jaehyun was starting the engine of the car. He put on his seatbelt and looked at me before hitting the pedal.

"Who are the members of that club?", he asked and stepped on the pedal, reversing the car to get out. I focused my eyes on Jaehyun. "Harvey, Mark Lee, Park Jisung and Zhong Chenle, why?"

"Oh, just asking", he replied and I hummed.

"Oh right, I'm really sorry but the Ridin' members got the keys", I slowly said, looking at his face for his reaction. "It's alright"

"Really?", I questioned. He hummed and focused on the road. He kept quiet the whole ride and we ended up home, keeping the silence. "I suddenly remember that I have to go for a meeting. Don't forget to eat dinner, Sera"

"Alright, I won't. You too", I said and got out of the car. I saw that he was ringing someone up on his phone. I shrugged it off and left him, not knowing that they talked about something serious.

"Doyoung, I won't be able to join the mission tomorrow. I have some business at our old college. Tell Winwin to substitute in my stead"

i don't have enough chapters ready to mass update so i can only update once today :((

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i don't have enough chapters ready to mass update so i can only update once today :((

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