chapter 27

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"Finally, they announced that we have our semestral break", Harvey said as he was tired of being in school

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"Finally, they announced that we have our semestral break", Harvey said as he was tired of being in school. "It's for two weeks but it's better than nothing"

"It starts tomorrow right?", I questioned, not really sure about it. "That means I have more time to practice for the play"

"Yeah", Harvey answered. "What play? I didn't know you can act"

"I can't, that's why I need to practice", I said. "It's for the foundation I work at. The kids there would be happy to see a play, so I couldn't say no"

"That's great though", he said. "It would be great if you bring Olivia to that foundation you're talking about. She loves kids"

"Really?", I questioned and he nodded his head.

"Sera, you don't have any classes after this right? Today's Tuesday", Harvey said. "You have half day classes today"

"Yeah, I might hangout with my brother today", I told him. "I'll see you another day Harvey"

That's when we separated ways. I walked towards the parking lot to wait for Jaehyun to pick me up there, but I was surprised to see someone else waiting for me.


"What's up, babe? You haven't been replying to me", he said as he approached me. "I missed you"

"I'm still mad even if you paid for the whole friendly date", I said, remembering the scene with Jisung and Ridin'.

"Aw, do you want me to apologize?", he mocked.

"I'm sure you have a twin somewhere. I can't believe you're the same person from last week", I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't have one", he told me. "If I did have one, I'd be sad. I want this handsome face all for myself"

"You're crazy", I said and tried to look for Jaehyun who was late.

"Crazy for you, babe", he said and winked at me.

"Stop, please", I said and started to get frustrated since my brother wasn't in sight.

"Right, your brother told me to drop you home", Jaemin said. "But of course, in exchange, you have to hangout with me"

"Yeah, I think I would just walk home", I said and turned my back to him and started to walk away.

"Not so fast", Jaemin said as he held the strap of my bag, that prevented me from walking away. "I know you hate walking. Plus, this time I brought my car"

Don't get tempted, self.

"You know I'm not letting go until you say yes", Jaemin said.

"Fine, but only since Jaehyun asked you to do it", I said and turned to Jaemin who had a smirk on his face.

He guided me to his car which was pretty nice. He opened the door for the passenger's seat and once I got in and took my seat, he closed the door for me and made his way to the driver's seat. He got in and started the engine and looked over at me.

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