Mommy dearest

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(Falen's apartment on the right)

I woke up on the floor. What the hell?

I looked at the time. 3:07.

Shit, I was supposed to pick my mother up a half hour ago. I went to the bathroom, rinsed my mouth out, washed my face, grabbed my keys and walked out the door faced with my very livid looking mother.

"Falen Raquel Vassilato, you were supposed to pick me up a half hour ago, where the hell were you?" she asked looking me in my eyes.

"I was sleep sorry."

"Falen, this is what I'm talking about. You need to be more responsible, you are about to be a mother for Christ sake."

Then they happened. The tears fell all over again. I've been a lot more emotional lately, they say when you're pregnant your emotions go crazy.

"Aww, my baby, talk to mana," she said comforting me.

"Well today Roc came for the first time and I told him and he doesn't think the baby is his," I cried in her arms.

She kicked the door closed with her foot and led me to the couch.

"Fuck him," my mommy said bluntly.

"Mana," I couldn't help but chuckle at her sudden outburst.

"He doesn't believe you? Fine. When the child gets here we'll get a paternity test, but TRUST AND BELIEVE he will be contributing to this child's life whether it be by his presence or his money, my grandchild will have the life he or she deserves," she said matter of factly.

"Thank you mana, I love you,"

"I love you too. Now show me to my room. I love what you've done with the place."

I smiled, my mom really does know best.

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